Rebo |

4 month ago

If a player is injured, isn't he automatically replaced?
Then you would have to sit there for 1.5 hours to check... I also play other Online Football Manager games, but the players are always replaced automatically.

ValaValla |

4 month ago
Rebo : If a player is injured, isn't he automatically replaced?
Then you would have to sit there for 1.5 hours to check... I also play other Online Football Manager games, but the players are always replaced automatically.
Yes this one is special needs your attention.
Maybe vip part makes it auto

Rebo |

4 month ago

That's a shame....
Because I have better things to do in those 1.5 hours :-) ;-)

Rebo |

4 month ago

My tactics are set to 'normal' (instead of 'aggressive') so I should have fewer injuries, I think... but every match I have 1 or 2 dropouts and no one of the opponents has dropouts... this is not right. ??
This way you no longer have a selection left... because the injured players are also out of circulation for a long time...

Andre Malles |

4 month ago


I don't know if the aggressiveness actually influences players fitness and / or rate / severity of injuries as this is part from the manual on it (under the tactics section) :
Aggressiveness allows more pressure to be applied to the opposing team, which increases the team's possession of the ball.
However, you must be careful not to abuse your team's aggressiveness rate since the number of fouls is also increasing.

If you're playing every day, you should rotate players, especially those who are fatigued (low fitness level) as they are more prone to injuries.

But you can always expect injuries during the season, so investing in facility (treatment centre) and staff (physiotherapist) might not be a bad idea to speed up the recovery (you can "treat" injured player once a day to reduce time he's injured by x hours, where x depends on level of treatment centre and physiotherapist's skill).

Rebo |

4 month ago

Yes, okay, but I noticed that there were suddenly so many injured people... and I immediately thought about the aggressiveness... but maybe I should move more around with the players.
I have 1 that might be too little.

Andre Malles |

4 month ago

I might be wrong here, but I think thay you can have only one staff member per category (physio, training advisor, youth scout, ...) "active", so I usually have one each (only exception is if I want to train one).

I don't know, I have a couple / few injuries per season, maybe more often suffered during training than while playing (if I recall correctly), but I always rotate all 10 outfield players every other day. If I have to play on consecutive days with same 11, I try to play first in the morning and second in the evening, make all 5 subs and "organize" recovery event (from my experience, players usually gain around 6 or 8 in fitness after that event).