Precious Irheghe |

3 month ago

Hello guys I'm confused I don't know how to promote my youth player to first team

ValaValla |

3 month ago
Precious Irheghe : Hello guys I'm confused I don't know how to promote my youth player to first team
Hi check your youth team and top right you will see promote title.

Precious Irheghe |

3 month ago
Hi check your youth team and top right you will see promote title.[/quote]

Can you circle it for me

Leguman |

3 month ago


To be promoted, juniors needs to be at 100%. You need to organize matches (tab youth team > matches, you can subscribe to a youth league too).

samlade |

3 month ago


Morgan Leefarr |

3 month ago
Precious Irheghe : Hello guys I'm confused I don't know how to promote my youth player to first team

Beninho Tr. |

3 month ago
