Rico31 |

29 days ago

Hi everyone
I have a question please
I would like to know what is the best way to play against a team stronger than me in overall score
I have scheduled a match against a team of 61 ng to test a tactic and I would like to see your answers on this point
Thanks for your answers 😃

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Teddy |

29 days ago

Rico31: Salut a tous
Jai une question svp
Je voudrais savoir quel est la meilleur facon de joue contre une équipe plus fort que moi en note globale
J'ai programer un match contre une equipe de 61 ng pour testé une tactique et j'aimerais bien voire vos réponses sur ce point
Merci pour vos réponses 😃

Better management of your points

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guantanamera |

29 days ago

it depends on your tactics, so it's hard to give you an answer
in general, weaker teams can rely on counter-attacking, but do you have the (fast) players for this style of play?

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Teddy |

29 days ago

guantanamera: ça dépend de sa tactique, donc dur de te répondre
en général, les équipes plus faibles peuvent se reposer sur la contre-attaque, mais as-tu les joueurs (rapides) pour ce style de jeu ?

Sorry guanta, but the counter style only brings an offensive bonus. It's an algorithm. You can be very defensive on the counter and very offensive offside, the style of play refers to your knowledge of football but be careful it's an algorithm not football

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guantanamera |

29 days ago

So basically it depends on your opponent's tactics. What I said in a nutshell 😉

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Teddy |

29 days ago

guantanamera: Donc en gros ça dépend de la tactique de ton adversaire. Ce que j'ai dit en somme ? 😉

No, it's just that many people consider styles to be a transposition to reality. The style mechanism is just an overlay on the initial game, so thinking that such and such a style is better in such and such circumstances seems to me to be a mistake. The important thing is the balance of your Block. Sorry if you thought I was trying to show you up, but I'm not.

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Rico31 |

29 days ago

Teddy: Une meilleure gestion de tes points

For example, play 451 with counter-attack style and it'll work just like that

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Teddy |

29 days ago

It all depends on the balance of your team and what you put into style

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Teddy |

29 days ago

Typically lacking in statistics, I won't be playing against the attack.

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Akram |

29 days ago

Good evening,
You can't have a good tactic for playing all the teams, some have mastered the styles, others have mastered how to counter the styles and there are those who are normal...
Each market is different from the other
What I'd advise you to do is to analyse your match by looking at how your opponent plays and, above all, what his strong points are, and whether he's flexible in terms of quality of player/style or not, to at least get a general idea so that you can theoretically anticipate tactics that are suited to him You have to be daring for the first 10 minutes to mark your presence and face up to it... the rest of the match would be like tenis blocking the right side or attacking on the left etc...

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SummerTime |

28 days ago

The key to surprising a stronger opponent is to analyse your line-up just before the match and position your players accordingly. As I said earlier, it's still an algorithm that calculates the probability of scoring based on the stats for each side.
If you manage to have a stat on one side that is greater than that of the opposition (in midfield and attack), you have a chance of scoring in minute 0 with an attacking set-up and high pressure. If you don't score in minute 0 but you do miss a chance, and if your opponents are far more dominant in other areas, it becomes more difficult. Retreat to defence and wait 42 minutes for your players to tire, then try a surprise attack at the very end of the 1st half.
If that doesn't work and you still haven't scored, try again at minutes 60, 75 and 80. If you have good substitutes, make your 4 substitutions and keep one striker warm for a final substitution.
That's basically how you can spring a surprise. But that's still a risk you have to take. Because if you change your instructions from defence to attack, you lose stats and you risk getting a goal.

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Rico31 |

28 days ago

Teddy: En manque de statistiques typiquement, je ne jouerai surtout pas contre attaque.

You're right, the counter-attack was poorly handled and I lost 6-0

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Teddy |

28 days ago

Rico31: Tu a raison c une mauvaise manipulation le contre attaque jai perdus 6-0

A match doesn't give you the truth about VF, you have to play a lot.

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Rico31 |

28 days ago

Teddy: Attention un match ne donne pas de vérité sur VF, faut en jouer beaucoup.

Oui on va voire en va allez doucement vu que mon equipe et hors compétition

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Teddy |

28 days ago

Rico31: Oui on va voire en va allez doucement vu que mon equipe et hors compétition

You have to be patient

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