Teddy |

37 days ago

Enjoy the tournament!
Two questions for you :
What are the big names to watch in this first round?
Who are your three favourites?

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kiki-sainté |

37 days ago

Hard to predict in the last 64

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lens59 |

37 days ago


A little idea for the next round

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kiki-sainté |

37 days ago

lens59: #match?mid=6064922

Pour le prochain tour une petite idée
Au pif rouillon ?

Leonardkantor who will win

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Fontenit85 |

37 days ago

Me very good club opposite Couches Pampers [~CP~]

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lens59 |

37 days ago

Watertight match

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Teddy |

37 days ago

No big games at the moment.
I can see this one standing out:
1st page => Skyz, Socrate,Imc
2nd page => Alex, estac and bubulateigne

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OMstar83 |

37 days ago

It seems to have attracted a few less big clubs than the first edition in any case.

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kiki-sainté |

37 days ago

Teddy: Pas de grosses grosses rencontres pour le moment.
Je vois bien sortir du lot cela :
1ere page => Skyz, Socrate,Imc
2eme page => Alex, estac et bubulateigne

You could have quoted me pffff nobody loves me 😁😁😁

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Teddy |

37 days ago

kiki-sainté: T'aurais pu me cité pffff personne ne m aime 😁😁😁

Blimey, I didn't see you!
I'll change it now
1st page => Skyz, Socrate,Imc
2nd page => Alex, estac and bubulateigne!

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kiki-sainté |

37 days ago

Teddy: Mince je t'avais pas vu !
Je modifie ducoup
1ere page => Skyz, Socrate,Imc
2eme page => Alex, estac et bubulateigne !

Ah ah ah

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Eden Hzrd |

37 days ago



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Aguado |

37 days ago

OMstar83: Ca semble avoir attiré un peu moins de gros clubs que la première édition en tout cas.

Timing very badly done x) I wanted to register but too many matches to do with the ie between unfortunately

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Deck |

37 days ago

Aguado: Timing très mal foutu x) je voulais m’inscrire mais trop de matchs à faire avec les ie entre malheureusement

You could have done without the IEs😒...😅

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k3vin59218 |

37 days ago

I put a big piece on ...
Jeremy Duc des ELU or Akram 😀

Taking the cup home 😅

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Brutus |

37 days ago

Go Papa Noël, you're the best!!!

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kiki-sainté |

37 days ago

Teddy: Mince je t'avais pas vu !
Je modifie ducoup
1ere page => Skyz, Socrate,Imc
2eme page => Alex, estac et bubulateigne !

Since you didn't put me on your list, I'm losing 2a0 and my players are offended

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Teddy |

37 days ago


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Akram |

37 days ago

k3vin59218: Je mets une grande piece sur ...
Jeremy Duc des ELU ou bien Akram 😀

Ramener la coupe a la maison 😅

Don't worry, if I had an opponent like Teddy everything would go according to plan 🔥

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Ancelloti |

37 days ago

This evening's match is all about tactics, not chance. The next one won't let me down, even with 10 men against 11, we had a great win.

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Magikcats |

37 days ago

I'll pose on teddy. I don't think he'll want to lose a game.

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kiki-sainté |

37 days ago

1 small tour and goodbye it will lighten my schedule as planned it's cool I did well to put my team bis

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Magik'jojo |

37 days ago

Magik'jojo wins lol

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Jallow |

37 days ago

Ancelloti: Je vous présente le match de la soirée que de la tactique et non du hazard le prochain ne va pas me négliger même à 10 contre 11 nous avons eu la belle victoire.

WoW 😘

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Drosko |

37 days ago

Ah well, I didn't even see that one go by^^
Well, I'll wait a year for the next one!

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Teddy |

37 days ago

Akram: T'inquiète si j'ai des adversaire comme Teddy tout passerait comme prévu 🔥

Stay alive and I'll see you in the quarters 😆

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Akram |

37 days ago

Teddy: Reste en vie on se rejoint en quart 😆

If you can make the journey...

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pieutte |

36 days ago

Ancelloti: Je vous présente le match de la soirée que de la tactique et non du hazard le prochain ne va pas me négliger même à 10 contre 11 nous avons eu la belle victoire.

Great win!👊

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Pep Kiguwa |

36 days ago



You won't even manage to get me 1 goal

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35 days ago

I'm a new manager of vf and may I join your community, thanks

wildzap |

35 days ago

I'm a new manager of vf and may I join your community, thanks

Hello and welcome to VF. We're talking about the Christmas tournament here, but you can also ask for an agreement by presenting your club, for example.
Enjoy your adventure on VF!

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Teddy |

27 days ago

round of 32, (wakes up) some fun fixtures?

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Arazosv |

27 days ago

Mine is going to be quite complicated, as it's already badly timed

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k3vin59218 |

27 days ago


It's not a good time to play between two league games, this will be my B 😅

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Teddy |

27 days ago

k3vin59218: #match?mid=6074467

Petite affiche qui tombe mal entre deux match de championnat , ce sera ma B 😅

It's all right, it's only Val.
It's a joke, Val! Valllll it's a joke ...... VALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.....


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OMstar83 |

27 days ago

Teddy: Ça va ce n est que val.
C'est un joke val ! Valllll c'est un joke ...... VALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.....


I'm going back to an administrator. You're in deep shit!

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Teddy |

27 days ago

OMstar83: Je remonte à un administrateur. T'es dans la merde !


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Akram |

27 days ago

Teddy: Ça va ce n est que val.
C'est un joke val ! Valllll c'est un joke ...... VALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.....


Val got me in VFFA, and he's going to succeed this season

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Socrate |

27 days ago


After that, I don't know if he'll be able to field his A given that the match is between an IE and a championship for him.

For my part, I don't have much choice 😜

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Teddy |

27 days ago

Socrate: #match?mid=6074462

Après je ne sais pas si il sera en mesure d’aligner sa A vu que le match tombe entre un IE et championnat pour lui.

De mon côté je n’ai pas trop de choix 😜

I have the same with Lulu ... between an ie and a tough league game 😅.
The B consignment anyway that should make it possible not to be ridiculous 😝

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Fontenit85 |

27 days ago

#match?mid=6074483 I don't know what it will do 😀

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Teddy |

27 days ago

Fontenit85: #match?mid=6074483 je sais pas ce que ça peut donner 😀

A play on bubu

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Fontenit85 |

27 days ago

Qualification on my side but with a lot of luck, well done to my opponent

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S0upe |

27 days ago

Fontenit85: #match?mid=6074483 je sais pas ce que ça peut donner 😀

Topi, you're my GOAT!

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Fontenit85 |

27 days ago

S0upe: Topi t'es mon GOAT !

Let's believe until the end 😂

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Fontenit85 |

22 days ago

Tomorrow sees the start of the 16th final. Beautiful poster of good side 3 times to outside and a beautiful team once again

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