monero |

10 month ago

Hello , thanks for providing the 2D feature available to everyone but when i try to use it ,it doesnt work , what could be the promblem

ValaValla |

10 month ago
monero : Hello , thanks for providing the 2D feature available to everyone but when i try to use it ,it doesnt work , what could be the promblem
Check it when it's live

monero |

10 month ago

But iwould want it to be text comment because sometimes am not online use it live 2D

ValaValla |

10 month ago
monero : But iwould want it to be text comment because sometimes am not online use it live 2D
You need to tab to the watch the film button.
You and everyone seems to be reach it.

Leguman |

10 month ago
Yes everyone can watch "replay action" of a past match.
monero : But iwould want it to be text comment because sometimes am not online use it live 2D
If you want text only, there's a topic on the french forum to ask to stay on the text mode only, I can put a demand for you.
Or you can ask yourself, here's the link of the topic :

monero |

10 month ago

Hello I have matches coming up but it’s still not in text i can’t influence the matches this affects my league position

Leguman |

10 month ago

Text or 2D, it's just decoration.
To adapt your tactics, you should analyse statistics.
Statistics are in fact the only real data that count to provide occasions and goals.