Aminee |

20 days ago

Hello everyone,

It's been 6 months since I had to stop playing Virtuafoot after moving to Canada. Unfortunately, the time difference with Europe makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to follow the matches in real time, which reduces the gaming experience. Still, I'd really like to be able to come back and play actively.

During a Live Discord a few months ago, Aymeric mentioned the possibility of creating a special league for managers living outside Europe, with schedules better adapted to the time zones in those regions (for example GMT-3 to GMT-8). I think this idea could be beneficial in allowing more players to enjoy the game, regardless of their location.

I'd like to know if this is still a possibility? Are there other managers in the same situation who would be interested in this initiative? If there are enough of us, we could submit an official request to Aymeric to relaunch his proposal.

Thank you in advance for your feedback!

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myforsans |

20 days ago

Of course it would be good for those who live outside France, but beyond those who are in Canada, there are those who are in Dubai, Hong Kong, Australia etc...
So it's not one but 3 or 4 championships of this kind that would have to be created to satisfy everyone (not counting those who are in France and work nights or have a 'shifty' lifestyle, etc.)

We could also imagine leaving the leagues as they are but allowing each club at the start of the season to set the time of its choice for its home league matches (without needing to go through the Vfstore) and without the possibility of the opponent then changing the time behind his back via the Vfstore.

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Plarchios |

20 days ago

I'm in favour of it, even if it doesn't concern me.
But as I said above, a championship for each of the "big time differences".

It's a question of fairness for those in countries with a large time difference.

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Baldie |

20 days ago

In principle, I have no problem with it.
Just one question: would this replace the current championships?
For example, would an Asian championship be played in China's time zone and replace the current one?

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Magpie |

20 days ago

The MDJ already gave the go-ahead, 8 months ago 😔
Read this, post 3: #forum?topic=164639

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lens59 |

20 days ago

For the evolution of the game, which seems to be played just about everywhere on the globe
The possibility of choosing a championship with an 8-hour slot from around midday at home to 8pm at home.
And cuts the globe into 3 slices.

0 the base
So from 20 to 4 from 4 to 12 ,from 12 to 20

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passion |

20 days ago

I'm affected by this time difference
I've adapted to the situation but it's true that sometimes I can't follow my match
A list should be drawn up of those affected, but this will only be possible for championships
But to avoid cheaters, we'll have to set up a geolocation system to certify their region of residence
It's not that simple

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OMstar83 |

20 days ago

If only... Unfortunately, it won't change anything for those who would have liked to play in a vffa or ldc one day, but at least we could play in the league cup. A lesser evil for those eternally forgotten.

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OMstar83 |

20 days ago

Magpie: Le MDJ a déjà donné son accord, il y'a 8 mois 😔
Lis ceci, post 3 : #forum?topic=164639

Cool. In 4 years, we'll be playing in the league cup, I hope 😁

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enzo30 |

20 days ago

Our friend Coors plays from Canada and he's adapted. It's still leisure

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Colombpal85 |

20 days ago

Magpie: Le MDJ a déjà donné son accord, il y'a 8 mois 😔
Lis ceci, post 3 : #forum?topic=164639

That's almost the deadline!

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Arazosv |

20 days ago

It's a good thing that we've been given some time to adapt, unlike the previous changes =D. You don't need too much though

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OMstar83 |

19 days ago

enzo30: Notre ami coors joue du Canada et il s adapté. Ça reste du loisir

By necessity, you adapt. And it also depends on the timetable. In my house, 8pm is 6am. I get ready for work, hit the road and then I... work. No matter how hard I look, I'm having trouble finding any "adaptation" to that. Unless I ask my boss to shift my hours so I can play vf.

So, in the end, I've always been 'punished' from all the vf cups and the championship (if I don't take the vip pass). That leaves me with IE and... friendlies... nice.

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passion |

19 days ago

OMstar83: Par la force des choses, tu t'adaptes. Et ça dépend aussi des horaires hein. Chez moi, 20h correspond à 6h. Je me prépare pour le taff, prend la route et je... travaille ensuite. J'ai beau chercher, j'ai du mal à trouver une quelconque "adaptation" à ça. A moins de ne demander à mon patron de décaler mes horaires pour jouer à vf.

Donc, au final, je suis "puni" depuis toujours de toutes les coupes de vf, du championnat (si je ne prends pas le pass vip). Me reste les IE et... les amicau

Are you in the Pacific?
Clearly it's not easy, I'm in your situation with less time lag
A census certainly needs to be carried out to try and get an overview of the players in this situation
Administrators, would it be possible to have a list?

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Misha |

19 days ago

6 months ago, in the reform of the leagues, I proposed replacing the Sublime League with a Pacific League with timetables staggered by 12 noon compared with the other leagues (not perfect but sufficient for Quebecers and Papuans to be able to play during the day).

Dead letter. 🥹

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Morten34 |

19 days ago

Yes, it would be a good thing to create a championship for the Americas (with an average time difference of 8 hours) and another for Oceania with a time difference of 12 hours. This would make it easier for people living in these parts of the world to follow their matches. I'm 100% in favour.

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lens59 |

19 days ago

lens59: Pour l'évolution du jeu qui a l'air de se jouer un peu partout sur le globe
La possibilité de choisir un championnat avec une tranche de 8 heures vers midi chez eux à 20h chez eux.
Et coupe le globe en 3 tranches .

0 la base
Donc de 20 à 4 de 4 à 12 ,de 12 à 20

If you split it into 3, there must be quite a few clubs in the other 2 on each side.
Enough to make champions, LDC or other

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