Hawkeye |
9 days agoHi everyone, I've had a lot of time on my hands this weekend, so I thought I'd have a go at creating a logo for each of the Division 1 agreements (2 per agreement). I hope you like them!
If you happen to like one of these logos, don't hesitate to PM me ^^
Let's start with the African Union:
La Breizh-Villenouvelloise:
Une Chope entre Potes:
Entente Liberty United:
The VF star:
The FYM:
The Irreducible Gauls:
The VF Circle:
Les Mouettes:
Future Legends:
The Roman Legion:
The Viking Legion:
The Menace of the North-East:
The Nexus:
En Route To Glory:
The Sweet Victory:
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matt64 |
9 days agonice!
it could be the subject of tiffos in the stadiums :D
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gauthier80 |
9 days agoMagpie |
9 days agoNice! Thanks for the pictures!
A little note for CP: with all the Belgian losers we've got, they're going to love the French flag 😁
PS, if you know how to make jerseys, I'll hire you! 4 seasons that @deck has to make them for us, to celebrate some title 🤣
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Zeus |
9 days agoTazz26 |
9 days agomikiwillis11 |
9 days agolens59 |
9 days agolorenzo861 |
9 days agobunrocel |
9 days agoBadYste |
9 days agoDudepike |
9 days agoGreat work Hawk! :)
Ils sont tous tres joli !
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Mava14 |
9 days agoWell done to you and your GPT cat... 😂
When I was at LV, there was Mistras who mastered the tool too and made us similar logos.
But thanks anyway Hawk
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Hawkeye |
9 days agoThank you all, it's a pleasure to read, and I'm glad you like it!
I don't use Chat GPT but it's in the same style ^^
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Drezzo35 |
9 days agoHawkeye: Merci à tous, ça fait plaisir à lire, heureux que ça vous plaise !
Pas utilisé Chat GPT mais c'est dans le même style oui ^^
Copilot then? 🤭😉
But that doesn't take away from the very nice intention, gg and thanks to you 👍
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Socrate |
9 days agoHawkeye |
9 days agoDrezzo35: Copilot alors ? 🤭😉
Mais ça n'enlève en rien la très belle intention, gg et merci à toi 👍
Yes, that's exactly it, it's more or less the same thing in the end ^^
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Hawkeye |
9 days agoSocrate: Beau boulot
Je me suis servi pour ma photo discord 👍🏾
Hi Socrate, no problem that's what it's for
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BlackiMesrimes |
9 days agoThank you for your work, it's a great initiative! :)
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King |
9 days agoWhat's with the chicken? There's some banger here!
That's great!
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judu13 |
9 days ago_LBS_ |
9 days agoIt motivated me to do the same for my agreement 👍
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Taudecci |
8 days agoHawkeye: Salut à tous, ayant pas mal de temps libre ce week-end, je me suis demandé à quoi pourrait ressembler le logo de chaque entente de la Division 1. Je me suis donc amusé à les créer (2 par entente). J'espère qu'ils vous plairont !
Si par tout hasard, un de ces logos plait à une des ententes, n'hésitez pas à me Mp ^^On commence par l'African Union:
La Breizh-Villenouvelloise:
 one by any chance?
We were in D1 before yesterday, we often yo-yo so within 1 season we'll be back
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kiki-sainté |
8 days agoThanks again for the 4 logos nwo l'ami, we'll see you on the pitch tonight and all season long, and well done for your work!
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Hawkeye |
8 days agoTaudecci: Magnifique ton travail 🤩
Tu pourrais pas faire celui de la hVs (hasta la Victoria siempre) par hasard ?
On était en D1 avant hier, on fait souvent le yoyo donc d'ici 1 saison on reviendra
Hi, I can take a look at that, yes, just drop me a line to let me know if you have any preferences for the main colours, wallpaper, central image, etc
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Hawkeye |
8 days agokiki-sainté:
Encore merci pour les 4 logo nwo l ami on se retrouve sur le terrain ce soir et toute la saison et encore bravo pour ton travail
Please, it was a pleasure! I've just realised that on the 3rd image, the two wrestlers in the middle have 4 arms, that's cheating ahah.
Have a great season and see you tonight!
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kiki-sainté |
8 days agoHawkeye: Je t'en prie, c'était un plaisir ! Je viens de m'apercevoir que sur la 3eme image, les deux catcheurs au centre ont 4 bras, c'est de la triche ahah.
Bonne saison à toi aussi et rdv ce soir ;D
It's to prepare you for tonight's match my players have 4 legs ptdr
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8 days agoWell done, they're really nice ...
It's a shame that the H have gone down just this season.
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Fouine101 |
8 days agoGreat work on these logos, thank you very much
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