Akram |

25 days ago

Hello 👋

It's about a teammate who takes a break because the game doesn't give him the right to do so! And loses the pleasure of playing.
We've all noticed that the MDM has never evolved and that the carrots never stop.
It's disappointing for everyone when they prepare one or two teams at a high level only for you to lose against AFKs or noobs (no disrespect to the weakest)
In private, everyone talks about the MDM and the fact that it's possible to lose games that have been won in advance, but who's going to make the change?
How long will this situation continue?
Some have left in silence, others are trying to adapt and there are plenty of others who are losing the desire and pleasure of playing!
This is becoming a major problem on VF


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Magpie |

25 days ago

There are perhaps too many mechanisms to regulate matches. When you start a match with 1,000 stats and 90% possession against an opponent, you logically expect a 15-0 scoreline (and even much more). But it's barely more than 4-0. It's as if the match was close. And in the match next door, 2 teams with a +200 difference give 5-0.... There's something not quite right, something not quite logical (to illustrate: #match?mid=6026430&stats&min=0)

In the end, you're not fighting against an opponent's strategy, but against something that clearly seems to prevent the opponent from taking a score that would be logical.
Not to mention the sense of 'regulation' that many of us feel. You know, the 6-0 you slammed in a friendly and the next day you couldn't score despite dominating just as much. The MDJ said there was no such thing, but well, most of us feel that way...

The MDM doesn't seem totally illogical to me, it would be unfair to say that. But there are, I think, clearly elements that regulate the score a little too much. So you don't get paid on what you've come up with in strategy/tactics/stats, or even on luck. But perhaps on the timing of your match and/or your previous results. And it's true that it's questionable. I don't know, maybe I'm the only one who feels that way?

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Rull43 |

25 days ago

When everyone has stopped, maybe I'll win.

On a more serious note, it's always a shame to see a mate quit after years on the game, so it's normal to move on. Is he an ELU?

Another ELU has won a major individual trophy. The wheel turns.

Take heart

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Lebaygue |

25 days ago

If we have to turn the game upside down for a few people who have trouble dealing with frustration, we're not likely to have any stability in the game.

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25 days ago

hi everyone

long gone are the days of 31-0 .....

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k3vin59218 |

25 days ago

One match, two matches, then the last straw ... when it's regular it becomes really annoying
Not that problem this season, I'd even say it's turning to my advantage at the moment đŸ€«đŸ€«
I don't necessarily have to change the mdm completely ... but when you have a lot of possession and behind you don't even have a single chance in the match, what more can you do?

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Akram |

25 days ago

Lebaygue: Si faut chambouler le jeu pour qques uns qui ont du mal avec la frustration, on risque pas d avoir de la stabilité sur le jeu.

I'm not talking about one person, but that's the case for everyone
There are those who take it lightly and continue to play (mpi for example)
And there are those who get fed up and choose to stop
In the end, we're looking for a logical balance
And in response to others, 15-0 is available in handball, not football

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Lebaygue |

25 days ago

Akram: Je ne parle pas de quelqu'un, mais c'est c'est le cas de tojt le monde
Y en as ceux qui le prennent à la légÚre et continue de jouer ( mpi par exemple)
Et yen as ceux qui sont lasse et choisissent d'arrĂȘter
Au final, on cherche un Ă©quilibre logique
Et pour répondre à d'autres, les 15 à 0 sont disponibles en handball pas au foot

A few weeks ago, you were all wishing Rejul a good fight...and now you're all healthy and squealing for an mdm!!!!
If you're diagnosed with a shitty disease tomorrow, you won't give a damn about the mdm. On the contrary, you'll be thinking how great it was back then.
You think you're the majority to complain, but you're not, most of them don't complain and take their disappointment at certain matches out on themselves.
Frustration is something you learn from childhood, from your parents, your national education system and your life.... apparently those who can't stand a carrot haven't learned enough from the first 2.
What's more, there's a 2 in 3 chance that the guy will come back after 2 months because he'll miss VF.
It's all in the name of cinema, isn't it?

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pixou |

25 days ago

VF is a game, so I'll give you the definition of a game:
How do you define a game?

  1. An activity of a physical or mental nature, not imposed, not aimed at any utilitarian end, and in which one engages for entertainment or pleasure:

well, if the game no longer satisfies you, move on to something else, nobody's holding you back.

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kiki-sainté |

25 days ago

I've lost 4 members due to mdm for 3 of them, another is on break
Unfortunately, mdm wreaks havoc

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Akram |

25 days ago

Lebaygue: Y a quelques semaines, vous Ă©tiez tous a souhaiter bon combat a Rejul...et maintenant vous ĂȘtes tous en bonne santĂ© et couiner pour un mdm!!!
Si demain on vous annonce une maladie de merde, vous en aurez plus rien Ă  cirer du mdm.au contraire mĂȘme, vous vous direz que c'Ă©tait super ce temps la.
Vous vous pensez la majoritĂ© Ă  vous plaindre mais vous ne l'ĂȘtes pas,la plupart ne se plaignent pas et prennent sur eux leur dĂ©ception lors de certains matchs.
La frustration,ça s apprends dÚs

Let's stick to VF and the fact that it's virtual, please.
Don't talk about education or parents, because you have no idea how someone grew up... no one's IRL life is any of your business... thanks

And then, I'm talking about the pleasure of playing, the desire for VF, the hobbies that you find enjoyable... if at some point you lose that pleasure, what's the point of continuing to play?
Maybe we're entitled to a change, if possible, to keep this desire, otherwise, based on your principle, why not devote this free time to helping others in need? Anyway... that's off the subject

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k3vin59218 |

25 days ago

pixou: VF est un jeu je vous donne donc la définition du jeu je cite:
Comment définir le jeu ?

  1. Activité d'ordre physique ou mental, non imposée, ne visant à aucune fin utilitaire, et à laquelle on s'adonne pour se divertir, en tirer un plaisir :

et bien si le jeu ne vous satisfait plus passez Ă  autre chose , personne ne vous retient .

It's still exactly a game, I agree completely
Mais c'est un jeu de gestion, ca prend du temps, beaucoup de temps pour arriver a avoir l'Ă©quipe que l'souhaite, quand tu avez 2 equipes competitive et que tu prends plusieurs carotte mais de vraie carotte du jardin 😆 tu se dis qu'au bon d'avoir fait autant d'heure de jeu
If you're only playing 2 hours a day (1.5 hours to follow your match) x many years of playing for some of you

In short, all that to say that sometimes the game drives you crazy, but you love it 😄

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Zeus |

25 days ago

Fans of the game will still be there despite the changes, but if you like it, you'll stick with it. After all, mdm can be frustrating, but it's normal not to win all the time, otherwise it would still be pretty boring.
Some people describe it as a carrot but 80% of the so-called carrots are not carrots but normal results that can be disappointing for the top club.

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Misha |

25 days ago

There's not that much variance. At CP, we're all surprised, but we've won 68 games, drawn 14 and lost 14. And we have less than a 5% margin of error compared to the xGs. If it were really random, we couldn't be winning 70% of IEs.

Unfortunately, C1 knockout matches are much more sensitive. And because there's so much at stake, they're much more memorable. Round-trips and extra time would reduce the uncertainty.

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Bastoun_34 |

25 days ago

So, since everyone seems to agree, I suggest replacing the MDM with a simple line of code like if NG (team A) > NG (team B) then team A = winner. That's easy, you don't even have to attend the games!

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Zeus |

25 days ago


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Demi-cerveau |

25 days ago

Bastoun_34: Du coup, puisque tout le monde a l'air d'accord, je propose de remplacer le MDM par une simple ligne de code du type if NG (equipe A) > NG (equipe B) then equipe A = vainqueur. Facile, y aura mĂȘme pas besoin d'assister aux matchs!

You're going to create a bug for us in the event of equal ng, you wretch!

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jul068 |

25 days ago


This is the kind of match where, at the end, you wonder why you wasted 1 hour and 30 minutes of your life. The chances are piling up but the mdm has decided that you're going to have a bad night. No reason not to win apart from the fact that you'd won 5-0 in a friendly the day before.

This kind of situation can and should happen for a minimum of suspense. But when it's easily repeated 4 or 5 times a season it becomes tiresome.

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Blagoje Vidinic |

25 days ago

It's hard to hear, but these are just probabilities and there's no link between them and the way the mdm works, especially over two matches.
The fact that you won 6-0 the day before has no influence on the probability that you won't win the next day

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lecastor |

25 days ago

I completely agree with you Akram. At the moment, I'm at the bottom of the hole with the MDM. So I completely understand your colleague's situation.
It's a game of probability, but all the same. When you're connected against someone who changes every 15/20 minutes, you take your time, spending 1.5 hours on the game only to end up conceding a goal by dominating 7/8 of the 9 sectors, including the 6 midfield/defence sectors, it drives you crazy while you're struggling to create 2 chances. My last 2 IE were clearly like that and it's shameful

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OMstar83 |

25 days ago

If your buddy decides to quit, it's only because he wants to, and maybe he's been thinking about it for a while too, and the mdm is just another mechanism that confirms his desire to stop playing a game that he's probably not enjoying any more, or less, overall.

As for the rest, once we've finally understood that all you can do in this game is tilt the odds in your favour and submit to the law of probabilities, which is that as long as you have a 0.0001% chance of losing... well, you can lose, and things will get better. Carrots are like injuries, you complain about them when they affect you and they go unnoticed when they don't.

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Unagi |

25 days ago

Blagoje Vidinic: Difficile à entendre mais ce ne sont que des probabilités et il n'y a aucun lien entre elles et le fonctionnement du mdm surtout sur deux matchs.
Le fait d'avoir gagné la veille 6-0 n'a en rien influencé les probabilités que tu ne gagnes pas le lendemain ; ce serait nié les mathématiques que de le croire mais, bon, autant pisser dans un violon.

i've never understood why this VF legend is so persistent, even though it's quite simple to understand .

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Magpie |

25 days ago

Blagoje Vidinic: Difficile à entendre mais ce ne sont que des probabilités et il n'y a aucun lien entre elles et le fonctionnement du mdm surtout sur deux matchs.
Le fait d'avoir gagné la veille 6-0 n'a en rien influencé les probabilités que tu ne gagnes pas le lendemain ; ce serait nié les mathématiques que de le croire mais, bon, autant pisser dans un violon.

Sorry Blagoje. I'm sorry to have to answer you on this point, because as a general rule I find your interventions very pertinent, but allow me to ask you: what do you know?
I mean, there's nothing to prove that there's any regulatory mechanism, that's absolutely true, but there's also nothing to prove that there isn't one. Is doubt allowed or is that blasphemy? We could only be sure if someone had access to the lines of code, which will never happen, so nobody can be sure of anything.
The only concrete evidence is what the MDJ said on an audio night (where he also said some incorrect things 😅 ), and on the other hand the feelings of some people who shouldn't be ignored on principle. And frankly I think there's a lot to analyse.
I don't think we'll know, but there are still things that can cast doubt. Without being a heretic.

After that, you shouldn't get angry or provoked, it's still a discussion. Nobody's going to agree, but you can put forward arguments or feelings to try and contribute to the debate.

Personally, I think the MDM is quite well done and logical. A bit too much randomness, but that's very subjective. Everyone has their own preferences, of course. But I have the feeling that it's not totally free. A bit regulated by parameters. After that, I could be wrong of course, and I'm sorry if that's the case.
Anyway, don't worry guys, it's still a lot of fun. And if the carrots swarm, well... too bad 🙂

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Unagi |

25 days ago

Magpie: Pardon Blagoje. Navré de te répondre sur ça car en rÚgle générale je trouve tes interventions trÚs pertinentes, mais permets moi de te demander : qu'en sais-tu ?
Je veux dire, rien ne prouve un Ă©ventuel mĂ©canisme de rĂ©gulation c'est tout a fait vrai, mais rien ne prouve non plus son inexistance. Le doute est permis ou c'est blasphĂšme ? On ne pourrait en ĂȘtre sĂ»r que si quelqu'un avait accĂšs au lignes de code, ce qui n'arrivera jamais donc personne ne peut ĂȘtre sĂ»r de rien.
Les se

Aymeric made it clear in a vocal discord.
No link between the matches :)
But the legend is so tenacious that it won't change anything to say it again and again :)

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Magpie |

25 days ago

Unagi: Aymeric l'a clairement dit lors d'un vocal discord .
Aucun lien entre les matchs :)
Mais la legende est tellement tenace que ça changera rien de le dire et de le redire :)

Pour le reste je suis d'accord le MDM est trĂšs imparfait mais c'est suffisant pour s'amuser je crois
Toucher au MDM maintenant est assez risqué.
Au delà de la complexité ça risque de crée des mécontentement auprÚs des joueurs qui s'arrange bien avec celui actuel et de ne pas satisfaire les éternels insatisfait

You're right.
But he also said some things that weren't true.
Well, either way, we'll never know.
If it turns out you're right, and my feelings are totally wrong. Let's have fun 👍

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Lulo |

25 days ago

Yes, there are carrots, but it's the same as in real football. On the other hand, I look at the fact that in the Champions League, the last 8 are often the same, that in the IE, it's often the same teams... and yet today everyone is fighting more or less with ng99 teams. So there are carrots, but there's an overall logic which I think is pretty good. After that, yes, it happens that you lose, because the game has decided so (I lost yesterday when on paper I had almost +20ng), you have to try again the following season

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Hydilik |

25 days ago

The MDM is a long debate... The stronger the club's squad, the more injustice there is. It's automatic... or mathematical.

But I understand the frustration, which can be discouraging.

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redbull77 |

25 days ago

i would like to ask 1 question here mainly to the old timers
the score at the time between the very strong and the very weak was cb? ON AVERAGE, of course
So if these scores are no longer the same, it's because the set of dice has been changed, so yes, there is an intervention by Aymeric on this subject and no need to check the lines of code, this difference in score amply demonstrates this.
bien a vous et bon wk a toutes et tous

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bubulateigne8AnsAprĂšs |

25 days ago

FACTUAL (and therefore non-smoking) report of readings taken at 8.26pm for the current season

The Beaver:
XG=97,2 G=92 XGA=12,4 GA=17
Balance of statistical success: -9.8

XG= 106,4 G=113 XGA=8,7 GA=8
Balance of statistical success: +7.3

XG=93 G=99 XGA=8,6 GA=7
Statistical success rate: +7.6

XG=66,4 G=78 XGA=49,6 GA=47
Statistical success rate: +14.2

XG=102 G=78 XGA=15.3 GA=19
Balance of statistical success: -27.7

It's funny how these data are in line with the positions and comments made here. The unlucky ones are fed up and no longer enjoy themselves, while the lucky ones think that everything is fine and that nothing needs to be changed and that, after all, those who complain are just ignorant of the laws of statistics.

In short, everyone is navel-gazing and commenting according to where the current wind is blowing for them, without thinking about the long-term pleasure taken in by the whole community. So yes, 'you might as well pee in a fiddle'.

And as long as, at the end of the season, there are people triumphantly relaying the overall balanced statistical data for the game over 56 days, thus validating that a referee who missed 2 penalties in the same match, but 1 on each side, had a good match overall, then it will continue to be light on VF.

I'm not sure whether this will put a smile back on the face of Akram, the original author of the subject, although it seems to me that his words are perfectly audible.

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lecastor |

25 days ago

And again, you're very kind, but in friendly matches that's +7, so -16 in official matches. 3 seasons in a row where I'm in the negative.
But xGs aren't everything. When you concede 2 goals while dominating 6 areas of midfield/defence and you dominate 5 out of 6 areas in midfield/attack and you have 1 chance in 40 minutes, that's annoying.

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Blagoje Vidinic |

25 days ago

Factual contribution 2: I've always said the same thing, whatever my "statistical success rate" may have been 😉

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Arteta |

25 days ago

We live in incredible times...
Two topics come to mind:

  • The first is the so-called social experiment where everyone gave their age. I think the average was pretty high and I found it frightening in view of the debates here.
  • The second was from someone who literally went berserk a few hours before New Year's Eve...
    So much precious time was wasted on dozens of lines of paving stones on stories that don't even make sense (I myself have just fallen into the trap with this long message đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž).
    So what if people have left? Life offered them a detox cure. Not only were they just frustrated by a game, but we're turning it into a drama and demanding change... Our society is in a very bad way, even for entertainment.

Finally, I've come up with a resolution for 2025 on the VF side: don't (REALLY) read the VForum any more, except for Aymeric's official news.

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Demi-cerveau |

25 days ago

It's precisely this statistical disparity that you're displaying that validates what Blagoje is saying. If there were a compensation mechanism (call it what you like) that looked at the short-term results of your last matches to modify the probability of your future matches, there would never be clubs at -27 and others at +27 on the scale you're considering.
On the other hand, in a truly random system, there are seasons that are average, seasons that are below average and seasons that are above average. Because the sample of matches considered (56) is too small.

Frustration is understandable, of course. But it must also be understood that such a game, which would not frustrate anyone, cannot exist.
On the one hand, a change designed to give greater value to the gap between 2 teams will frustrate those who have slightly weaker teams if they move from a VF where they do well rarely to a VF where they do well almost never.
On the other hand, the status quo seems to frustrate those who have superior teams to their opponents, and who feel that they are underperforming too much.

It's not easy to find the right balance. As Lebaygue quite rightly pointed out, everyone will want the mdm to evolve in one direction or another, depending on their own relationship to frustration.

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Bastoun_34 |

25 days ago

Factual contributions 3: Like Blago, I've always said the same thing about MDM. It's frustrating, but it gives the game its charm.
I'd add that comparing the statuses for all the games (and including about half the friendlies, which are played with a B team and players not in their positions) is pointless: I'm certainly +14 overall, but in the league, I'm -1 and 3rd 5 points behind vsb 1st with a one-point lead in the corrected standings... At this game, we could also look at the average NG of the teams of the various players, I'm sure we could draw a lot of hasty conclusions as well.

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Galywat |

25 days ago

Magpie: Pardon Blagoje. Navré de te répondre sur ça car en rÚgle générale je trouve tes interventions trÚs pertinentes, mais permets moi de te demander : qu'en sais-tu ?
Je veux dire, rien ne prouve un Ă©ventuel mĂ©canisme de rĂ©gulation c'est tout a fait vrai, mais rien ne prouve non plus son inexistance. Le doute est permis ou c'est blasphĂšme ? On ne pourrait en ĂȘtre sĂ»r que si quelqu'un avait accĂšs au lignes de code, ce qui n'arrivera jamais donc personne ne peut ĂȘtre sĂ»r de rien.
Les se

Aymeric has denied this urban legend several times.

The statistics available on all the matches played on the game prove it. It's just probabilities, which many people find hard to grasp.

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bubulateigne8AnsAprĂšs |

25 days ago

Blagoje Vidinic: Apport factuel 2 : j'ai toujours tenu le mĂȘme discours quelle qu'ait pu ĂȘtre ma "balance de rĂ©ussite statistique". 😉

Ah, but I'm not taking that away from you, I don't think I've written anything to suggest the contrary, the "factual" was only intended to emphasise the fact that, this time, I wasn't putting forward any feelings but only data that everyone could see 😉

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Unagi |

25 days ago

bubulateigne8AnsAprÚs: Apport FACTUEL (et de ce fait non-fumeux) de relevés effectués à 20h26 quant à la saison en cours

Le Castor:
XG=97,2 G=92 XGA=12,4 GA=17
Balance de réussite statistique: -9,8

XG= 106,4 G=113 XGA=8,7 GA=8
Balance de réussite statistique : +7,3

XG=93 G=99 XGA=8,6 GA=7
Balance de réussite statistique : +7,6

XG=66,4 G=78 XGA=49,6 GA=47
Balance de réussite statistique : +14,2

XG=102 G=78 XGA=15,3 GA=19
Balance de réussite statistique : -27,7

C’est mar

what you're telling us is worthless, frankly... It's a load of rubbish.
I'm really happy with the MDM because I outperformed the 19 NGs?
You take stats over 52 days and you think you've got a satisfactory result?
It doesn't balance out over 56 days but over more time :)
Take it from my registration in 2021 and you'll already have a more relevant analysis

Also, do you think I've ever had a bad season, or even a disappointing one this season despite XGs in my favour?
Like many, I've already been discouraged after a succession of carrots.
My opinion is in no way based on that
We've all understood that there's a certain amount of luck involved in this game. You have to accept it or go for games that can offer you a more developed MDM.
Another 2 months to wait and FM 2025 will be out. There'll be plenty to do

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Unagi |

25 days ago

bubulateigne8AnsAprĂšs: Ah mais je ne t’enlĂšve pas ça, je ne pense pas avoir Ă©crit la moindre chose laissant penser le contraire, le "factuel" Ă©tait seulement destinĂ© Ă  appuyer sur le fait que, cette fois-ci, je n’avançais aucun ressenti mais seulement des donnĂ©es visibles par tous 😉

"It's funny how these data are in line with the positions and comments made here"

It still implies that we defend the MDM because we have a positive statistical balance ...

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Socrate |

25 days ago

So the data you've given us for 4 clubs over 42 days means a panel of 168 matches. Mixing friendlies against B teams or even sometimes inactive and official matches. It's more factual than data at the end of the season on over 100k matches with details by competition ... đŸ€”
It reads but it's hard to understand.

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bubulateigne8AnsAprĂšs |

25 days ago

Unagi: "C’est marrant comme ces donnĂ©es sont en adĂ©quation avec les positions et propos tenus ici"

Ca laisse quand mĂȘme sous entendre qu'on defend le MDM parce qu'on a une balance statistique positive ..

But I'm not implying it, I'm saying it! And that's human, I'm not casting stones at anyone and what I'm also saying is that we need to give due importance to Akram's initial point, namely that recurring bad luck leads to the demise of certain managers, despite their experience. And so the question of a balanced MDM over a season for all the clubs, but with less variance, could allow everyone to continue to enjoy the game.

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Unagi |

25 days ago

bubulateigne8AnsAprĂšs: Mais je ne le sous-entends pas, je le dis! Et c’est humain, je ne jette la pierre Ă  personne et ce que je dis aussi c’est qu’il faut accorder l’importance qu’il faut au sujet initial d’Akram Ă  savoir qu’une malchance rĂ©currente conduit Ă  l’arrĂȘt de certains managers, pourtant expĂ©rimentĂ©s. Et donc que la question d’un MDM, Ă©quilibrĂ© sur une saison sur l’ensemble des clubs mais avec une variance moindre pourrait permettre Ă  tout le monde de continuer Ă  prendre du p

We all agree that the mdm can be improved.
The problem is that for Aymeric it's the best version he can offer because it's based on fish law.
Last time I checked, it was out of the question to change anything.
Criticism of the mdm is nothing new.
You can say what you like, but it won't change a thing

When vf stops, it's often more a case of pauses than stoppages.
Today, there are only the die-hards left who will never really stop for good because there's an element of emotion and nostalgia involved
For those who do, I hope they don't come back 😀

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bubulateigne8AnsAprĂšs |

25 days ago

Well, I agree with you there.
But what are we to make of this kind of match?
It's just a feeling at the moment, but I have the impression that they're multiplying. When, for some managers, this kind of match happens again and again, we say to ourselves that all we can do is bend our backs and wait for better days? Personally, over a week I'm all for it, but over a season or more, I doubt my nerves will hold out đŸ€Ł
(I recognise a certain bad faith in taking an extreme example )

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bubulateigne8AnsAprĂšs |

25 days ago

Socrate: Donc les donnĂ©es que tu nous apporte de 4 clubs sur 42 journĂ©es soit un panel de 168 matchs. En mĂ©langeant les amicaux contre des Ă©quipes B voir peut ĂȘtre mĂȘme parfois inactives et des matchs officielles. Sont plus factuels que les donnĂ©es en fin de saison sur plus de 100k matchs avec le dĂ©tails par compĂ©tition 
Ça se lit mais ça se comprend difficilement.

I don't think I was clear enough in what I said, Socrate, sorry. The statistics released at the start of each season on last season show a balance. But what I'm wondering about is how we achieve that balance.
Taken to the extreme, the reasoning could lead to the situation where, out of 100k matches played, 50k are 'carrots' in one direction and 50k are 'carrots' in the other direction.
Can't the balance, which is difficult to achieve, as Demi says - and he's right - be achieved with a more limited number of favourable and unfavourable 'carrots' for each club over a season, to avoid a prohibitive discouragement?
The answer is perhaps no, but then, when you're at the bottom of the wave, it's better to be prepared, because that's worth the most beautiful bay beaches on the Landes coast đŸ€Ș

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redbull77 |

25 days ago

bubu et socrate , je vais chercher les vieilles archives de l'ancien vfo si je les retrouve sur 1 ou2 viieux forum ou j'en Ă©tais l'admin et les poste ici , le sujet de l'epoque concerne les grosses branlees qui defois montaient a des 20a0. les XG n'existaient pas encore a ce moment la ' du moins ils n'Ă©taient pas visibles ) .
But that was at 1 time when vf had more than 10,000 active accounts, which is no longer the case.
Given the current number of active clubs, Aymeric has been forced to change his game because the number of matches against ghost teams is currently greater than the number of active matches. Your reflections on the famous win-to-win ratio are also correct because it was necessary to balance everything out a little so that the game had 1 mini of activity on the mdm and was still attractive.
there were 2 possible choices at the time, 1 vf reset or everyone starting from scratch or doing something like that, aymeric chose option number 2.
cool to read you again 1 peux bubu et porte toi bien l'ami

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Beber |

24 days ago

Hi Akram
I understand your emotion at seeing your friend Jeremy take a break! Of course, his decision is understandable as he feels cheated by the game, at least in the results section of the mdm! There have always been plenty of topics about this match engine and everyone tries to vent their frustration by opening a post because they feel they've been cheated out of several match scores!
I don't mean that it's always perfect, because we'd all like to win our matches! But I do think you have to accept Aymeric's design for this match engine. Personally, I prefer the old version, which I thought was livelier, nicer, more fun and perhaps a little less headache-inducing! In short, this mdm is constantly evolving (probabilities, XGs, game styles, affinities and so on + all the others that will come when aymeric decides to add them), so we have to accept it as it is and as it will be!
This game has been designed the way aymeric wanted it to be, admittedly it's not perfect because perfection doesn't exist! But you have to be able to accept and play with its share of contradictions (fruitless possession, a goal that comes somehow, or the influence of players who have been completely remodelled to play in a particular style, etc, etc).
We must never forget that it's still a GAME, and that it's up to us players to adapt to the entertainment that's been put in place! As far as I'm concerned, and this remains my decision, I gave up the competition because I chose the easy option of not having to deal with this frustration LOL. But for those of you who are playing, it's up to you to make the best of these results and come up with your own answers if you can!
Finally, everyone regrets it when someone decides to stop playing this game, but he's said he's taking a break, so I hope we'll see him again soon and that he takes advantage of this time to do lots of other things that are certainly more interesting than vf!

On that note, I hope you all have a great weekend!

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Hydilik |

24 days ago

Today, we need to understand that nobody knows how MDM works. Logically, what we don't understand can't be controlled.

You only have to discuss MDM to see that everyone has their own habits, but no factual opinion on how it works.

We all do the same thing. We try to have the best team to increase our chances. We balance our statistics with the help of individual and collective instructions to increase our chances. We try to attend as few of our matches as possible to increase our chances.

Then we have to wait for the chance to come, and then wait for that chance to turn into a goal.

Once we've understood that our choices only increase or decrease our chances of winning.
Then you can stay with the game for a whole season... :-)

To limit this frustration, there may be solutions.
For example: increase the potential of the players to limit the gap between a team with 99 players and another team with an average of 25. In my opinion, the difference in team averages is far too great on vf.
This range needs to be reduced...

We could also increase the sensitivity of the chances, proportionally, and reduce the number of goals in order to have more interesting matches and thus increase the feeling of being more in control of things.

These are just suggestions.
Because there will always be frustration... it's human. :-)

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myforsans |

24 days ago

Too much whining from some people.

There's nothing shocking about 31-0s being replaced by 6-0s.

There's nothing shocking about 3 or 4 illogical results every season - I'd even go so far as to say it's logical! (c.f. probabilities). Without making any extravagant comparisons, you only have to look at Lyon's recent result in the French Cup!

The problem is that we generally remember the 3 or 4 illogical results of the season more than the 45 that were totally logical and the 8 or 10 that were close and went in our favour.

On the contrary, out of 56 games in a season, 3 or 4 "incomprehensible" results seem perfectly normal to me, and to remember only those seems perfectly human.
In fact, I'd say that the percentage of illogical results has tended to fall since the old days.

And, for example, even if I've just had the result stolen from me in 2 IE matches in a row, I'm not going to whine about it - it's 'normal' and part of the probabilities.

If victory was always known when the stats were displayed at kick-off, the game would be a sad place :)

Those who think that the results of VF matches are so illogical could instead ask themselves why, on the 1st day of the season, in 90% of leagues we already know who's going to win or between which 2 teams it's going to come down to, or why it's almost always the same teams that come out on top in the VF standings, or why we know in advance at the start of the season between which 2 or 3 teams the standings are going to come down to.

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Sikora |

24 days ago

I completely agree with you, I've had enough of conspiracy theorists. What's more, by complaining so much, they're implying that everyone agrees with them. That's already been the case with the Xg's during the match and they were vindicated by removing them... I still don't understand why. I usually prefer not to react to this kind of post but I think it's important to deconstruct the absurd reasoning of some frustrated managers.
On that note, have a good weekend

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hazard14 |

24 days ago

I fully agree with akram

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Brutus |

24 days ago

Although a few good results in matches, for me, a few years ago...
It's for all these reasons that I prefer to train... injuries frustrate me less, or at least irritate me less, it's better for my heart... after that, I should take care of my liver too... but that's another story!

Have a good weekend, a good game and a good aperitif!

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