Zeus |

37 days ago

Hi there!
I'm wondering about the vf index and how it's calculated
I'm index 4 with 299 pts over the 135-138 seasons
How is the number of pts you need to win to move up to index 5 defined? Is the number of pts fixed or does it increase over the season (which is what I think)?

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Teddy |

37 days ago

The index depends on your place in the rankings

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Blagoje Vidinic |

37 days ago

...and the number of clubs registered in the game, since it's a percentage bracket.
In fact, at the start of the season, all the indices are shifted because, with the removal of inactive clubs, there are fewer clubs and therefore fewer clubs in each bracket for the same percentage.

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Zeus |

37 days ago

OK, thanks :)

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Brutus |

37 days ago

There will only be one left, my dear Duncan!

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