Magikcats |

44 days ago
It's time to vote for the OSCARS.

A few rules:
- Each category has 4 nominees, out of the 4 nominees, you must vote 4 points to the one you think deserves the Oscar most, 3 to the second most deserving, 2 to the third and 1 point to the least deserving in your opinion.
If you put in 2x 4 points, for example, your votes won't count.

- In addition, you must enter your PSEUDO VF before voting, as this is compulsory for the votes to be counted.

- In the event of cheating: False VF account, or voting several times on several different accounts, etc. All your votes will not be counted. (Reminder: Multiple accounts are forbidden on VF. If you suspect this, I will notify an administrator).

Results :

Results will be in the format: 50% Jury pro, 50% public.
The Professional Jury will have a different document to yours.

End of voting
You have until 24 December at 8:59pm to vote.

Ceremony :
Logically the ceremony will take place during the Christmas school holidays, the day itself has not yet been chosen.
I'll let you know when it is.

Voting link:

Thank you in advance for voting.

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lens59 |

44 days ago

Voted 😉

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Adrimax |

44 days ago

Hi Domi... Er lomi đŸ€­đŸ„°

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Socrate |

44 days ago

For your information Lomi62 is not a girl.
I don't know why her name ended up in there.

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Teddy |

44 days ago

Socrate: Pour information Lomi62 n’est pas une fille.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi son nom a atterri lĂ  dedans.

It smells like a cp joke

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lens59 |

44 days ago


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estac |

44 days ago

I didn't know that lomi had made a transition. That's brave of you.

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Lomi62 |

44 days ago

The one time I can win something, all the haters show up.....

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Jeffus tuchuss |

44 days ago


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Magik'jojo |

44 days ago

Lomi62: Pour une fois que je peux gagner qqch, tous les rageux débarquent.....

Don't forget our date tomorrow at cap gris nez ma lomi bisou bisou

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Drezzo35 |

44 days ago

Please don't go overboard, let's not pollute the post 😉
Y a eu apparament une petite couille comme on dit 😁 , mais on peut rectifier ça , je vais mp Magic 👍😉
Thank you to notify that if you voted only
Bonne soirée et saison a tous

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Teddy |

44 days ago

Done! But that me with a bug to put 1 pt on one of the top 4 tacticians? 😝

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Alexandre67310 |

44 days ago

Done too,
Didn't understand what Teddy was doing, a guy with 6 months of vf in best tactician.
Or I must have missed 50 episodes but never mind 😂😂
Kisses my Teddy 😘

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Magikcats |

44 days ago

Socrate: Pour information Lomi62 n’est pas une fille.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi son nom a atterri lĂ  dedans.

The problem is that there are already 20 voters and to think that Lomi came in at the last minute against Coco Chanel.... .
Yet many thought it was one.
What I will do is that Lomi will be automatic 4th with cancellation of the votes for...

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kiki-sainté |

44 days ago

Done, but in the moaner category I would have been cited, too bad

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lens59 |

44 days ago

On a telephone, you must put horizontally

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Teddy |

44 days ago

Alexandre67310: Fait aussi,
Pas compris ce que fout Teddy, un mec avec 6 mois de vf dans meilleur tacticien.
Ou alors j’ai du louper 50 Ă©pisodes mais passons 😂😂
Bises mon Teddy 😘

I saw the light đŸ€Ș

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Teddy |

44 days ago

kiki-sainté: Fait mais la catégorie rùleur j aurais été cité dommage

Chance and valenciano you're no match for kiki đŸ€Ł

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Fouine101 |

44 days ago

To vote

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kiki-sainté |

44 days ago

Teddy: Hasard et valenciano tu fais pas le poids kiki đŸ€Ł

You don't know me very well, so 2 times champion of the moaners at the rtg I was unbeatable ah ah ah

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Teddy |

44 days ago


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Jallow |

44 days ago

Lomi62: Pour une fois que je peux gagner qqch, tous les rageux débarquent.....


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Marcus Aurelius |

44 days ago

Lomi and Aguado as best nations. Lol!
The best are those who win, and regularly that's even better. Lomi, 1 title, Aguado 0. His players are naturalised as well.
Are you aware that there are guys still playing there who have won x number of titles?
Hydilik, Darwin, Supérior and even though he no longer plays, Rejul. He must have won more titles than the other two have won games in vfifa.

But for them the cronyism didn't work, I guess.

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Teddy |

44 days ago

Marcus Aurelius: Lomi et Aguado en meilleures nations. Lol !
Les meilleurs c'est ceux qui gagnent, et réguliÚrement c'est encore mieux. Lomi, 1 titre, Aguado 0. Ses joueurs sont naturalisés en plus.
Vous ĂȘtes au courant qu'il y a des mecs qui y jouent toujours et qui ont x fois plus de titres qu'eux ?
Hydilik, Darwin, SupĂ©rior et mĂȘme s'il ne joue plus Rejul. Il a du gagner plus de titres que les deux autres n'ont gagnĂ© de matchs en vfifa.

Mais pour eux le copinage n'a pas fonctionné j'imagine.

It's often cronyism with this kind of poll 😝

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Magikcats |

44 days ago

So female manager category:
I've changed the box (in the middle of which some people vote) to : Put 1 point.

Lomi62 being selected 4th (= ) on the choices, with the large number of voters already established, I will cancel the points.
=> Out of the first 25 voters I think: The other 3 will always have 4-3-2 pts (those who voted 4-3-1 for example, there will be a change to 4-3-2)

As I can't change, given that a good number of people have already voted for the other one, which was 4(=), I'm waiting for confirmation of my request to put the (5th if you can call it that), which will automatically finish 4th.

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Nicularo |

44 days ago

Teddy: Hasard et valenciano tu fais pas le poids kiki đŸ€Ł

There's a lot of gold in this short list!

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Nicularo |

44 days ago

Marcus Aurelius: Lomi et Aguado en meilleures nations. Lol !
Les meilleurs c'est ceux qui gagnent, et réguliÚrement c'est encore mieux. Lomi, 1 titre, Aguado 0. Ses joueurs sont naturalisés en plus.
Vous ĂȘtes au courant qu'il y a des mecs qui y jouent toujours et qui ont x fois plus de titres qu'eux ?
Hydilik, Darwin, SupĂ©rior et mĂȘme s'il ne joue plus Rejul. Il a du gagner plus de titres que les deux autres n'ont gagnĂ© de matchs en vfifa.

Mais pour eux le copinage n'a pas fonctionné j'imagine.

Don't take the Oscars too seriously, it's just a subjective vote where everyone votes for their buddy or for a member of their cartel if they can't ^^
Nothing will take away the titles and history of the members you mentioned

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Marcus Aurelius |

44 days ago

Nicularo: Ne prends pas trop les oscars au sĂ©rieux, ce n’est qu’un vote subjectif oĂč chacun votera pour son pote ou pour un membre de son entente a dĂ©faut ^^
Rien n’enlĂšvera les titres et l’histoire des membres que tu as citĂ©

Tkt, it's always the same thing, several weeks of preliminaries for a limp half based on "I gave you 4 points my friend because you're my friend, I didn't even pay attention to the name of the category" ^^.

On the other hand, I have to admit that I was surprised this time to have a vfifa selection category (first time, I think), and even more surprised when I saw that the nominees had been chosen with a wet finger. Even if I've got nothing against them (well, Aguado I can't say), they've got no business being there.

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Unagi |

44 days ago

Marcus Aurelius: Tkt, c'est toujours la mĂȘme chose, plusieurs semaines de prĂ©liminaires pour une demi molle Ă  base de "je t'ai donnĂ© 4 points mon poto parce que t'es mon poto, je n'ai mĂȘme pas fait gaffe au nom de la catĂ©gorie" ^^.

J'avoue par contre avoir Ă©tĂ© surpris cette fois d'avoir une catĂ©gorie sĂ©lection vfifa (premiĂšre fois il me semble), et encore plus surpris quand j'ai vu que les nommĂ©s avaient Ă©tĂ© choisis avec le doigt mouillĂ©. MĂȘme si je n'ai rien contre eux (enfin si, Aguado je ne

Don't worry, everything's going to be fine!

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Eden Hzrd |

44 days ago


I might have won?


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drakes213 |

44 days ago

I'm away for 8 months and they've already forgotten that I'm the best tactician in the game?

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44 days ago

kiki-sainté: Tu me connais pas bien alors 2 fois champions des rùleurs à la rtg j etais imbattable ah ah ah

you beat me, I've never been the best rower in an agreement lol in 16 years of vf
but I see that some people miss me so that they talk about me on this pointless thing, sorry

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44 days ago

Teddy: Hasard et valenciano tu fais pas le poids kiki đŸ€Ł

thank you teddy and you too we can put you in so many negative category in his oscar of beure of vf

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44 days ago

to vote even if I ask myself certain question on the pretender on certain category as a former of vf

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math1518 |

44 days ago

One thing I think is a shame about VF, and I'm sure it's a reflection of society as a whole, is that even on light, unofficial, purely entertaining subjects, players manage to pull each other's legs and be nasty.

Folks, this ranking won't change your lives, there's nothing to gain or lose (except your dignity for the winner of the biggest disappointment). Let's have a little fun and make this a friendly 'event', rather than using it as yet another reason to attack each other!

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Blagoje Vidinic |

44 days ago

Marcus Aurelius: Tkt, c'est toujours la mĂȘme chose, plusieurs semaines de prĂ©liminaires pour une demi molle Ă  base de "je t'ai donnĂ© 4 points mon poto parce que t'es mon poto, je n'ai mĂȘme pas fait gaffe au nom de la catĂ©gorie" ^^.

J'avoue par contre avoir Ă©tĂ© surpris cette fois d'avoir une catĂ©gorie sĂ©lection vfifa (premiĂšre fois il me semble), et encore plus surpris quand j'ai vu que les nommĂ©s avaient Ă©tĂ© choisis avec le doigt mouillĂ©. MĂȘme si je n'ai rien contre eux (enfin si, Aguado je ne

I don't see the point in rewarding the same people over and over again (who also don't give a damn), and, by the way, I'd remind you that these are the Oscars 'of the year' (i.e. for 2024), not the awards for 'the VF career'.
I chose my pre-nominees in this category precisely because they are not part of the 'VFien elite' but have the merit of having a 'national' team made up of 75 to 90% players from the CdF.
And I didn't see your nickname in the list of managers who proposed pre-nominations

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jul068 |

44 days ago

Nicularo: Y’a du ouin ouin d’or dans cette short list!

And you're a real champion of the "I'm trying to light a fuse so that he'll intervene and take a penalty" genre.

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Marcus Aurelius |

44 days ago

Blagoje Vidinic: Si c'est pour rĂ©compenser toujours les mĂȘmes (qui s'en foutent en plus) je ne vois pas, non plus, l'intĂ©rĂȘt et, au passage, je te rappelle qu'il s'agit des Oscars "de l'annĂ©e" (donc sur 2024) pas des rĂ©compenses pour "la carriĂšre VFienne".
J'ai choisi mes pré-nominés dans cette catégorie parce que, justement, ils ne font pas partie du "gratin VFien" mais ont le mérite d'avoir une équipe "nationale" composée de 75 à 90% de joueurs issus du CdF.
Et puis je n'ai pas vu ton pseudo dan

Then you'll have to slow down. Even in 2024 it's incoherent.
Not having given a pre-nomination doesn't mean you can't give your opinion. And then imagine, I could have missed the nugget Agua with his fake Belgians in the best team with 0 participation in vfifa competitions.

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Socrate |

44 days ago

FYI: The winners of the various categories will not be added to the list of winners.
A man in the know is worth 2 😅

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Blagoje Vidinic |

44 days ago

Sorry, but it's not an argument to say that it's not forbidden to give your opinion even if you haven't participated: you had the opportunity to pre-nominate who you wanted and you didn't do it. What's the point of discrediting other people's proposals?

Incidentally, we're not talking about the "best VFIFA teams", but the best national teams

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Nicularo |

44 days ago

jul068: Et toi dans le genre "je tente d’allumer une mùche pour qu’il intervienne et prenne une sanction" t’es un p'tit champion.

Well, let's just say it's not stolen

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Teddy |

44 days ago

Nicularo: Bah disons que ce n'est pas volé ; le message initial ne vient pas de moi, mais je le partage complÚtement.
Me concernant, j'attends la catégorie "allumage de mÚche" l'année prochaine pour tenter pleinement ma chance!

I think I'm out of the competition, sorry đŸ€Ł

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Pierabou |

44 days ago

Sorry Magik for your good-natured post and for your Oscars, which are pretty cool.

The fact that Jex can be voted in and, above all, that he can strut his stuff on vfo in this way baffles me.
I won't post any more on the subject, I apologise if it goes to shit because that's not what I'm looking for, but I don't understand, I don't understand why Jex can come back to the game, I don't understand why it doesn't move anyone, or at least why no one expresses it, or even laughs about it. I needed to say it, and I have.

Once again, of course you can reply to me, but I won't be reposting on this subject and will only reply to PMs if anyone wants to talk (including Jex).

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Marcus Aurelius |

44 days ago

Blagoje Vidinic: DĂ©solĂ© mais ce n'est pas un argument que de dire qu'il n'est pas interdit de donner son avis mĂȘme si on n'a pas participĂ© : tu avais l'opportunitĂ© de prĂ©-nominer qui tu voulais et tu ne l'as pas fait. À quoi bon discrĂ©diter les propositions des autres ?

D'ailleurs, il ne s'agit pas des "meilleures équipes VFIFA" mais des meilleures équipes nationales ; Magik a donné la participation aux compétitions VFIFA en exemple, rien de plus.

Even then it's still not good.

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Teddy |

44 days ago

Pierabou: Désolé Magik pour ton poste qui se veut bon enfant et pour tes oscars qui sont plutot sympa.

Qu'on puisse voté Jex dans les votes et surtout qu'il puisse se pavaner sur le vfo ainsi me déconcerte.
Je ne posterai pas plus Ă  ce sujet, je m'excuse si ca part en cacahuĂšte car ce n'est pas ce que je cherche, mais je ne comprends pas, je ne comprends pas que Jex puisse revenir sur le jeu, je ne comprends pas que ca n'Ă©meut personne ou en tout cas que personne ne l'exprime, voir mĂȘme qu'on en

Not the place for that, I'll mp you

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hazard14 |

44 days ago

Niconlaro you must dream about me every night to attack me whenever you can.
If you want me to send you a photo of me to put on your chest of drawers next to your bed, just let me know, it'll be a pleasure if it means you don't have to think about me again when you're on vf

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jul068 |

44 days ago

Pierabou: Désolé Magik pour ton poste qui se veut bon enfant et pour tes oscars qui sont plutot sympa.

Qu'on puisse voté Jex dans les votes et surtout qu'il puisse se pavaner sur le vfo ainsi me déconcerte.
Je ne posterai pas plus Ă  ce sujet, je m'excuse si ca part en cacahuĂšte car ce n'est pas ce que je cherche, mais je ne comprends pas, je ne comprends pas que Jex puisse revenir sur le jeu, je ne comprends pas que ca n'Ă©meut personne ou en tout cas que personne ne l'exprime, voir mĂȘme qu'on en

Teddy is going to mp you to tell you what???? That the Jex of old has changed.
A few months ago, despite reliable information, when you insinuated that Jex = Teddy = Mezut = .... Teddy replied to you by mail that, good heavens, no, it wasn't Jex, and that we needed to review our information.

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jul068 |

44 days ago

And no, Pierabou, you're not the only one. A large part of the community is ulcerated.

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Socrate |

44 days ago
Topic temporarily closed.
Just long enough for you all to come down, because I've got a feeling it's going to reach a crescendo, so I'd rather be safe than sorry.
You can still continue to vote
I'll reopen the post once the general atmosphere has calmed down, as it's going off in all directions.
Thanks for your understanding Magikcats

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Socrate |

43 days ago
The topic has been reopened.
Please don't escalate the pressure again with various squabbles left and right, with subtle or not-so-subtle jabs or targeted attacks.

I closed the topic so that I wouldn't have to punish anyone, so please take this into account and above all respect the work done by Magikcats and his colleagues, as well as the people who took the trouble to answer their questions so that we could have finalists.

[That was the first and final warning! [/b]

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