Kamaalo18 |

5 month ago

Sometimes I see player overall more than their potential. How do we achieve that?

Kamaalo18 |

5 month ago

Somebody please tell me!

Andre Malles |

5 month ago

I don't care much about players' overall rating, but I think I know a few things about improving players.
You'd want to have a training advisor with great rating to maximize amount of improvement per training session. I tend to promote players while young and play them every other day while still developing. By playing matches they gain experience which is used for individual training to further improve players.

I've never tried to train players for maximum overall, and never will, but if you want to, see their position and instruction and only train them in "relevant" skills in the right ratio, for example, for DM normal, I think it would be 25% defense and technique and 50% passing, but not sure. It's easier to get players with higher overall if you don't train them in endurance, but I don't think anyone would recommend that.

Kamaalo18 |

5 month ago
Andre Malles : I don't care much about players' overall rating, but I think I know a few things about improving players.
You'd want to have a training advisor with great rating to maximize amount of improvement per training session. I tend to promote players while young and play them every other day while still developing. By playing matches they gain experience which is used for individual training to further improve players.

I've never tried to train players for maximum overall, and never will, but if you want to, see their position and instruction and only train them in "relevant" skills in the right ratio, for example, for DM normal, I think it would be 25% defense and technique and 50% passing, but not sure. It's easier to get players with higher overall if you don't train them in endurance, but I don't think anyone would recommend that.
Thanks for the reply!
But my real question was that after a player reaches his overall rating as much as his potential, then how can you still get a lot of XP points in him?

Andre Malles |

5 month ago

I don't think I understand. The player should keep on improving at the same rate more or less during the season his overall reaches or even surpasses his potential. If you go to progress tab on a player details, while his potential on a graph is not horizontal (constant) he should still be developing the whole season.
I guess that the rate of improvement is determined at the start of each season and it probably depends on player's potential and if he's late bloomer, peaks early, ...