ValaValla |

10 month ago

Why we saw cheap players who gonna retired at 15 days after?

Leguman |

10 month ago

Are you sure ?

Normally, you can't sell players in their last season .... (to avoid scam)
They should rest at least 1 season + 10 days.

ValaValla |

10 month ago
Leguman : Are you sure ?

Normally, you can't sell players in their last season .... (to avoid scam)
They should rest at least 1 season + 10 days.
Deleted player

See 😉

Leguman |

10 month ago

Oh !

"good find" !
I think it's a bug, I gonna post it on the french side of the VForum.

Recently, Aymeric45 has announced that player's with an overall rating >70 will see their age of retirement shorten (to adapt the game to a new generation of formed players), and I think this change came in conflict with the rule of "no selling player in their last year".

Thank you to bring the info here. ;)

Leguman |

10 month ago

I get the answer :
It's possible to put a player in his last season to the transfer list or in the auction, but it's impossible for other manager to buy him.

ValaValla |

10 month ago
Leguman : I get the answer :
It's possible to put a player in his last season to the transfer list or in the auction, but it's impossible for other manager to buy him.
A bit confusing moment |

10 month ago
