Socrate |

23 days ago
Here's a survey so that everyone can really leave a mark on how they feel about the Match Engine.
This poll will remain open for 7 days to give as many managers as possible the chance to respond.
I invite you to pass on this survey to your respective agreements.
For those without an agreement, I hope that the information will also reach you.
Closing Sunday 26 at 10pm

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Survey : 316
Tout va bien
Tout à revoir
Sans avis

Socrate |

21 days ago

Always topical!

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Socrate |

20 days ago

261 voters.
We can do better!

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Socrate |

18 days ago

Soon finished!

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Socrate |

18 days ago

We're almost at the end!

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Socrate |

17 days ago

Final stretch 👍🏾

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Socrate |

16 days ago

Survey completed.
The figures will be sent to A45.
We'll see if they respond in any way.

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