S0upe |
34 days agoHi everyone! Admittedly, I didn't play much attacking football... But did you know that you could have 4 chances and 0 xg? xD
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Arazosv |
34 days agoSquare feet don't help in front of goal either xD
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Kirikou |
34 days agoGiven your attacking statistics, that explains everything.
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Jallow |
34 days agoS0upe: Salut tout le monde ! Certe j'ai pas joué vraiment offensif... Mais saviez vous qu'on pouvait avoir 4 occasions et 0 xg ? xD
And I don't know how you managed to have such a low attacking stat xD! You had the strikers out cold on the bench đ
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ablaye |
34 days agoS0upe: Salut tout le monde ! Certe j'ai pas joué vraiment offensif... Mais saviez vous qu'on pouvait avoir 4 occasions et 0 xg ? xD
Yes, it's quite possible when the chances created are considered to be not very dangerous đThe term xG measures the quality of goal-scoring chances created by a team in a match. So having chances doesn't mean you necessarily have to have an xG that isn't zero if your chances aren't dangerous. .
A player who shoots from midfield and is easily saved by the goalkeeper, this kind of opportunity may not generate any xG pts đ
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S0upe |
34 days agoablaye: Oui c'est tout Ă fait possible lorsque les occasions crĂ©Ă©es sont considĂ©rĂ©es comme peu dangereuses đLe terme xG mesure la qualitĂ© des occasions de but crĂ©Ă©es par une Ă©quipe dans un match. Donc avoir des occasions ne veut pas dire que tu dois forcĂ©ment avoir un xG qui n'est pas nul si tes occasions ne sont pas dangereuses...
Un joueur qui tire depuis le milieu de terrain et qui est facilement arrĂȘtĂ© par le gardien, ce genre d'occasion peut ne pas gĂ©nĂ©rer de pts xG đ
Thank you for your very thorough reply, although I wasn't expecting to score a goal here... I'm mainly laughing at the fact that guys with 0 actions manage to unlock XGs via fouls or whatever... And that even if my actions weren't dangerous, and to be honest I don't even know how I got them... Bah I got 0 XG ^^
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ablaye |
34 days agoS0upe: Merci de ta rĂ©ponse trĂšs poussĂ©, bien qu'ici je n'attendais pas a mettre un but.. Je rigole surtout du fait que des mecs a 0 action arrive a dĂ©bloquĂ© des XG via des fautes ou autre... Et que lĂ mĂȘme si mes actions n'Ă©taient pas dangereuse, et pour ĂȘtre honnete je sais mĂȘme pas comment j'en ai eu.. Bah j'ai eu 0 d'XG ^^
unlocking xG via faults is a bug I think and this has already been pointed out to Aymeric many times during his Discord lives. But I have the impression that even he doesn't know the origin of this bug đ
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OMstar83 |
34 days agoablaye: Oui c'est tout Ă fait possible lorsque les occasions crĂ©Ă©es sont considĂ©rĂ©es comme peu dangereuses đLe terme xG mesure la qualitĂ© des occasions de but crĂ©Ă©es par une Ă©quipe dans un match. Donc avoir des occasions ne veut pas dire que tu dois forcĂ©ment avoir un xG qui n'est pas nul si tes occasions ne sont pas dangereuses...
Un joueur qui tire depuis le milieu de terrain et qui est facilement arrĂȘtĂ© par le gardien, ce genre d'occasion peut ne pas gĂ©nĂ©rer de pts xG đ
In reality, getting 4 chances that don't generate even 0.1 xg must be extremely rare.
Especially when you've got a cross with a straightforward header and a shot from 20 metres out... it's hard to imagine that this wouldn't generate any xg, apart from vf.
I think we need to stop trying to make VF look like the real thing. The game action on VF is dressing up. We used to have a coach who was passionate about "action" and who didn't think it was right to lose by playing more than the opposition. When you get to that point... you've got quite a way to go đ
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ablaye |
34 days agoOMstar83: Dans les faits, se procurer 4 occasions qui ne gĂ©nĂšrent pas ne serait-ce que 0,1 xg, ça doit ĂȘtre plus que rarissime.
Surtout qu'on a lĂ une tete dĂ©croisĂ©e suite Ă un centre, un tir Ă 20 mĂštres... dur d'imaginer que cela ne procure aucune xg, hors vf.Il faut surtout arrĂȘter de vouloir calquer VF au rĂ©el je pense. Les actions de jeu sur VF sont de l'habillage. Nous avions un seÌlectionneur dans le temps qui se passionnait pour les "actions" et qui ne trouvait pas normal de perdre p
Lol I'll say it again, just because you have chances doesn't mean you have to have good xG...
If you look closely at his game, you'll see that he had low attacking stats, and his shots went through the middle like balloons without really frightening the opposing defence, hence those xGs đ Sometimes even a shot from 20 yards can do more harm to a pigeon than to the goal
As for modelling VF on the real thing, that's a bit like trying to compare apples and oranges, isn't it? Each system has its own rules and quirks, but the concept of xG is the same everywhere: it measures the probability of an action being turned into a goal
Otherwise, your coach is a laugh
It happened to me the other day against a manager. I was outplaying the guy throughout the match, except in the final moments when I was playing double or nothing, but he was the one who had all the chances.
At the end of the game I had more xG than him and he had the nerve to mp me to ask me where my xG came from, when he shouldn't even have had any chances đ
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OMstar83 |
34 days agoablaye: Lol Je le repete ce n'est pas parce qu'on a des occasions qu'on doit forcément avoir des xG pas nul...
Si tu look bien son match, tu verras qu'il avait des stats basses en attaque, et ses tirs passaient au milieu comme des ballons de baudruche sans vraiment effrayer la dĂ©fense adverse d'oĂč ces xG đ Parfois mĂȘme un tir Ă 20 mĂštres peut faire plus de mal a un pigeon qu'au but
Pour ce qui est de calquer VF au réel, c'est un peu comme essayer de comparer des pommes et des oranges non ? Ch
Ah, our coach was a genius :D
After that, on the whole, I don't expect a lot of logic from VF, so it's fine ^^
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Chelios |
34 days agoI was curious to look at my 'chances' during a match, and one of them was a pass to an offside player, so technically you can have hundreds of chances like that and still have 0 in XG ^^"
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S0upe |
34 days agoTo pick up on the thread, a 40m shot, even a weak one, earns xg, almost none because it's not often that you see 40m shots go in, but it does earn xg.
What I've noticed on the game that is VF, however, is that XGs are more a ratio of strength between your attack and your opponent's defence
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Andre Malles |
34 days agoAnd here I thought that 0.04 XG from 5 opportunities a bit earlier in the season had to be some kind of a (negative) record