LeBrasseur |
53 days agoHello everyone,
As a candidate for the presidency of the Federation of Liechtenstein, I'm taking the liberty of posting here the link to go and vote for this federation. I hope you can give me your vote so that I can help this small nation grow.
Thank you in advance for your confidence.
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maxence97300 |
52 days agoGentlemen and ladies, I'm LeBrasseur's main competitor, and I'm sure he's promised you beer in exchange for a vote, but you can rest assured that I'll be Saké for everyone 😂
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LeBrasseur |
51 days agomaxence97300: Messieurs et mesdames, à votre bon cœur je suis le principal concurrent de LeBrasseur, il vous a sûrement promis de la bière en échange d'un vote, sachez que de mon côté ça sera Saké pour tout le monde 😂
Yes, of course, beer in all its forms and for all tastes: Leffe Blonde, Leffe Rituel 9°, Leffe 1240, Leffe Ruby, Leffe Blanche, Leffe Nectar, Leffe Triple and at this time of year, the Christmas Leffe
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maxence97300 |
51 days agoLeBrasseur: Oui oui, bien évidemment de la bière en veux-tu en voilà sous toutes ses formes et pour tous les goûts : Leffe Blonde, Leffe Rituel 9°, Leffe 1240, Leffe Ruby, Leffe Blanche, Leffe Nectar, Leffe Triple et en cette période, La Leffe de Noël ;)
De quoi remplir vos soifs d'après matchs ;)
Oh shit, even I'm voting for you on this one! 😂🍻
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villa |
51 days agoLeBrasseur: Oui oui, bien évidemment de la bière en veux-tu en voilà sous toutes ses formes et pour tous les goûts : Leffe Blonde, Leffe Rituel 9°, Leffe 1240, Leffe Ruby, Leffe Blanche, Leffe Nectar, Leffe Triple et en cette période, La Leffe de Noël ;)
De quoi remplir vos soifs d'après matchs ;)
and alcohol-free beer?
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Aguado |
51 days agoLeBrasseur: Oui oui, bien évidemment de la bière en veux-tu en voilà sous toutes ses formes et pour tous les goûts : Leffe Blonde, Leffe Rituel 9°, Leffe 1240, Leffe Ruby, Leffe Blanche, Leffe Nectar, Leffe Triple et en cette période, La Leffe de Noël ;)
De quoi remplir vos soifs d'après matchs ;)
Not just Leffe, please, the real thing!
I'll sit back, savour and watch your election battle!
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LeBrasseur |
50 days agovilla: et bière sans alcool ?
0% blond or white, of course
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LeBrasseur |
50 days agoAguado: Pas que de la Leffe stp, sors nous la vraie de vraie!
Un bon Orban de quelques années bien frais, je m’assieds, je déguste et je regarde votre bataille pour l’élection!
De la Trappiste si tu veux, du la Paix Dieu.... so many possibilities to serve you
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villa |
50 days agoLeBrasseur: Bien évidemment blonde ou blanche en 0%
as long as it's drinkable, I'll take anything.
Even violet if it exists
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Brutus |
50 days agoLeBrasseur |
34 days agoJust a quick up to say I'm counting on your votes
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LeBrasseur |
26 days agoHello everyone,
Thank you to everyone who voted for me. The verdict is in, I didn't get the federation, which is a bit disappointing but that's the game.
However, is there any way of seeing the votes afterwards, because apart from seeing that it was my opponent who got it, I can't see any way of knowing whether it was by a large margin or not..... which makes things even more obscure and unclear.........
If that's not the case, I think it should be something to improve even if I'm well aware that it's certainly not a priority for the game.
Thank you all in any case, but I'll save my round for another time.
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k3vin59218 |
25 days agoSurely it should be possible to do this?
There is the number of thumbs for the subtitles and interviews, doing the same for the number of votes would be a good thing even if it is not necessarily necessary (just like the thumbs on the interviews)
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LeBrasseur |
25 days agok3vin59218: Ca devrait etre possible de le faire certainement ?
Il y a bien le nombre de pouce pour les subet et interview , en faire des meme pour le nombre de vote serait une bonnr chose meme si cela n est pas forcement necessaire ( tout comme les pouces sur les interview )
It's just so that we have a visual of the result because you don't get a message to tell you that the elections are open, for example, that the votes are over and the result... so it's a bit too obscure I think.
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pieutte |
25 days agoLeBrasseur: C'est simplement pour que l'on ai un visuel du résultat car là, tu ne recois pas de message pour te dire que les élections sont ouvertes par exemple, que les votes sont terminés et le résultat... donc c'est un peu trop obscur je trouve.
There's nothing obscure about it.
You don't have a big deal that helped you get the job, that's all. The result is just logical.
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Sikora |
25 days agopieutte: Y a rien d obscure.
Tu n as pas une grosse entente qui t as aider pour avoir le poste c'est tout, le résultat est juste logique.
There's no logic until there are facts or proof. I understand the frustration.
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Nicularo |
25 days agopieutte: Y a rien d obscure.
Tu n as pas une grosse entente qui t as aider pour avoir le poste c'est tout, le résultat est juste logique.
He's not contesting the fact that he lost, he just wants the results of the vote (and he's right to ask for them)
These should be visible at the end of the vote to see how many votes separated the candidates
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Morten34 |
24 days agoThe results of the votes for the Federations have never been published, even we admins don't have access to the results, sorry.
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Lebaygue |
24 days agoIt should be added in the manual that being part of one of the 4-5 big cartels will open up the game 100%... and that otherwise you'll only have access to one game... whether you pay or not.
The game is padlocked by a few agreements, which is clearly a shame from the point of view of the game's success.
For this kind of thing, limiting the number of votes in the same agreement to 5, for example, would restore a bit of fairness, even if I doubt it's feasible.
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Socrate |
24 days agoYou have to admit that there's some truth in what you say @Lebaygue
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Demi-cerveau |
24 days agoWe should also consider limiting multi-account votes, but it's complicated 🫣.
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Magpie |
24 days agoLebaygue: Il faudrait rajouter dans le manuel que faire parti d une des 4-5 grosses ententes ouvrira le jeu a 100%...et que sinon tu n auras accès qu a une partie...que tu payes ou pas.
Le jeu est cadenassé par quelques ententes,c est clairement dommageable dans une optique de succès du jeu.
Pour ce genre de truc,limiter le nombre de votes d une même entente a 5 par exemple,remettrait un petit peu d équité même si je doute que ce soit réalisable.
However, it seems to me that some federations have no candidates...
What you say is probably true for the "big" federations (Germany, France, etc.)
But there are a lot of federations that don't have any candidates, it seems to me. So it's not 'locked in'.
That said, the question does arise for the big federations.
After all, being part of an agreement is also about camaraderie. You build up your address book. There's something to be said for that. It seems 'logical' to me that you're dealing with someone who plays 'solo' or with limited contacts?
Even if, in the end, any VF can vote, you're free to canvass.
But it's interesting to note that there's bound to be room for improvement in this area
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Lebaygue |
24 days agoI agree with you Magpie, being part of an agreement, a good one if possible, opens the doors to understanding the game, to help that you won't find elsewhere and a fortiori if you persist, to a prize list, so far, no worries.
After that, it's the underlying power in the other arcana of the game that raises questions.
Of course, who cares about Liechtenstein? But at the end of the day, it's a member of a renowned cartel that has it all the same.
That the big nations are for the managers of the big cartels, well, at a pinch, why not, but even the crumbs you take for yourself... and that's a cause for concern from my point of view.
I don't want to take away the success of an agreement, which it deserves, it's just limiting its impact on the "bonuses" of the game apart from the Cup and the D1 agreement ranking.
The fact that a member of a big agreement says on the discord or the forum that you have to vote for him in such and such a thing and it will be recorded, that's intrinsically rubbish... there's no longer any notion of merit... whereas when you, for example, the CP, win a title whether it's the Cup or the standings or both, there's merit no matter what.
That's all there is to it.
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maxence97300 |
24 days agoOtherwise I may have won the election because of my candidacy and not because of my deal? 😅
It's a shame to always see the negative in this game, this was the third federation I've applied to and it's the first time I've won the elections, yet I've always been in the same agreement ...
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k3vin59218 |
23 days agomaxence97300: Sinon j'ai peut être gagner les élections grâce à ma candidature et non grâce à mon entente ? 😅
C'est dommage de toujours voir que le négatif sur ce jeu, c'était la troisième fédération a laquelle je postulais c'est la première fois que je remporte les élections et pourtant j'ai toujours été dans la même entente ...
Personally, I voted in this election, I don't remember your application but I voted on the basis of that 😄
Then I look at voc clubs to see if they are serious or not (because clubs that have just been created can stop at any time)
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LeBrasseur |
22 days agomaxence97300: Sinon j'ai peut être gagner les élections grâce à ma candidature et non grâce à mon entente ? 😅
C'est dommage de toujours voir que le négatif sur ce jeu, c'était la troisième fédération a laquelle je postulais c'est la première fois que je remporte les élections et pourtant j'ai toujours été dans la même entente ...
Congratulations to you,
I'm not questioning that at all. It's just that I would have liked to have some information at the end of the vote to say that your candidacy for the Liechtenstein federation election was not successful. The results are available at ....
What bothers me is not knowing (number of voters, final result indicated as invalid by (to find out I had to go to the federation to see that it was you, which is a shame), even to possibly repost elsewhere later (even though this clearly has a cost, which I'm wondering if it's justified, lol)
In any case, if it can move things forward a bit in this part of the game, it might not be a bad thing
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LeBrasseur |
22 days agoMorten34: Les résultats des votes pour les Fédérations n’ont jamais été publiés, même nous les admins n’avons pas accès aux résultats, désolé.
I don't know how reassuring that is. It means that anything can happen from above....
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maxence97300 |
22 days agoLeBrasseur: Félicitation à toi,
Je ne remets pas ça en cause du tout. Juste, j'aurai aimé avoir une information à l'issue de la fin du vote pour dire votre candidature à l'élection de la fédération Liechtenstein n'a pas été couronné de succès. Les résultats sont....
Là ce qui m'ennuie, c'est de ne pas savoir (nombre de votant, résultat final indiqué nul par (pour savoir j'ai dû aller sur la fédération pour voir que c'était toi c'est quand même dommage) même pour repostuler éventuell
Yes, your basic intervention is noble and could move things forward, but it's those that followed that went astray, as they often do on the Forum
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Morten34 |
22 days agoLeBrasseur: Je ne sais pas si c'est tellement rassurant ça. Ca veut dire qu'il peut se passer n'importe quoi d'en haut en gros....
So you think Aymeric is manipulating the results? Well, let's see..
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Demi-cerveau |
22 days agoMorten34: Donc tu penses qu’Aymeric trafique les résultats? Voyons…
I totally agree with Morten: the danger doesn't come from above, but from below. Tomorrow you decide to create 50 multi-accounts. On each account you take a single action: vote for the federation, then forget about it. No transfers, no illegal actions .... Before an admin discovers all the multi-accounts, things could get complicated.
And that's why it wouldn't be a bad idea for there to be a list of results with the voters for each federation, not accessible to everyone of course, but which would eliminate this kind of risk.
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LeBrasseur |
21 days agoMorten34: Donc tu penses qu’Aymeric trafique les résultats? Voyons…
No, not at all, but it can be influenced, like MDM, by constant changes, so I'm just asking for a bit of clarity on all these things.
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