ManuM |

7 month ago
Let me start. The same one every season in the league cup... eliminated in the tab of course...

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kiki-sainté |

7 month ago

It's a competition carrot manum 😎

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hazard14 |

7 month ago

2 saisons que ca dure...
I'm fed up with this mdm, there's really no logic !!!

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Yaya61 |

7 month ago

I've got something better than you :-D


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Yaya61 |

7 month ago

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hazard14 |

7 month ago

That's a tough one too, but you win.
I know it's not the biggest, but it's all I take from my last major match.... out of my last 15 IEs, I must have 12 13 IEs with more xg for 6 7 wins... it's incredible.... strangely enough, it happens to the same people quite often... I can't figure it out

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Ritter |

7 month ago

I had the same thing last season when I had an XP of 4 and my opponent of 0. I drew the match to make a championship final with the second place finisher. ☺️

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Colombpal85 |

7 month ago

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Skyz |

7 month ago

Eliminated from the league cup and LDC in 3 days 2x in the TAB :

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Skyred |

7 month ago

Shocked to see Skyz lose at the tab😱

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Skyz |

7 month ago
Skyred : Shocked to see Skyz lose at the tab😱
I've had 3 seasons of TAB success but otherwise I lose them far more often than I win them 😂

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Aguado |

7 month ago

Just take a look at the start of my season... you'll see some great people!

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El_Sombrero |

7 month ago

#match?mid=5772795 I console myself as best I can, at least I'm sure my wife won't see me elsewhere 😂

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Mava14 |

7 month ago

El_Sombrero: #match?mid=5772795

Je me console comme on peut, au mouns je suis sûr que ma femme va pas voir aileurs moi 😂

No, I assure you, she is at home... :-D Ok, I'm going out...

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Vince4657 |

7 month ago

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Vince4657 |

7 month ago

17 chances at 1 and o.3% chance of victory for an afk opponent. I am well.

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commandanteclub |

7 month ago

Vince4657: 17 occasions à 1 et o,3% de chance de victoire pour un adversaire afk.
Je suis bien.

Nice friend 😁😉

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Fouine101 |

7 month ago

here is my evening carrot #match?mid=5789927

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Akram |

7 month ago

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Fouine101 |

7 month ago

So this one is beautiful

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Fougch |

7 month ago

#match?mid=5753497 It's my turn to make you salivate Note that at 2-0 for him he had no advantage anywhere

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ManuM |

7 month ago

This one also stings!

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Mininovak |

7 month ago

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Magik'jojo |

7 month ago

Mininovak: #match?mid=5758502&stats

Assez fière !

Monumental this one

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Colombpal85 |

7 month ago

Not maaal

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ManuM |

7 month ago

Mininovak: #match?mid=5758502&stats

Assez fière !

Deserved! 🤣

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Mininovak |

7 month ago

ManuM: Mérité ! 🤣

/ban users: manum Damn I’m not an admin! It wasn't far...

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Fouine101 |

7 month ago

So this one is not bad, it’s not possible to see that 😂

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Aguado |

7 month ago

Mininovak: #match?mid=5758502&stats

Assez fière !

Just not strong enough here, no carrots, need to stop always seeing carrots everywhere… 😖

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Luis17 |

7 month ago

Aguado: Simplement pas assez fort ici, aucune carotte, faut arrêter de toujours voir des carottes partout… 😖

with 89% possession it's not surprising.

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Johnie Halidai |

7 month ago

Belgium 2018 finished with 387% possession and 147 more shots than France in the semi-final... Nobody ever talked about "carrot", just "seum"

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David59 |

7 month ago

Johnie Halidai: La Belgique 2018 avait fini avec 387% de possession et 147 tirs de plus que la France en demi-finale …
Jamais personne n’a parlé de "carotte", juste de "seum"

image Are you lying or are you wrong?

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killingnut |

7 month ago

My my my! But where is France, where is Belgium? Ah la la.... We can't see in your capture!

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Johnie Halidai |

7 month ago


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Colombpal85 |

7 month ago

Belgium has a football team?

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ManuM |

6 month ago

Hop it's my season 🤣🤣image

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Magik'jojo |

6 month ago

ManuM: Hop c'est ma saison 🤣🤣

Is wahi your center forward? Lol

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Akram |

6 month ago

ManuM: Hop c'est ma saison 🤣🤣


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Eden Hzrd |

6 month ago

#match?mid=5799244&stats Logical score 😍

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El_Sombrero |

6 month ago

#match?mid=5810608 A small one for the road, even if the result is not very important!

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Metre |

6 month ago


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Aglacis |

6 month ago

Perso je suis sur une bonne dynamique en ce moment xD avec ma A + ma B (en cours de match mais qui se termine soon) j'arrive grosso modo à 4.5 de xG pour ... 1 goal (today with my B) against a club where the manager hasn't signed up and the other ... bin amicale facile pour faire exp les jeunes.
The worst thing in all this is that if you change the slightest thing (tactically or even with substitutes) the penalty is so significant that it could be even worse given that it's not co clubs xD

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Aglacis |

6 month ago

Of course, all I have to do is complain or make a comment and I'll plant one

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lens59 |

6 month ago

#match?mid=5749909 The summary of my season 7 times 0 to 0 in the championship 8 draws. Given my team I lol

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lens59 |

6 month ago

17 0 to 0 in the championship 20 draw 7 0 to 0 for me and 1 to 1 😁

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jamsss |

6 month ago

I don't often post carrots but this one is still pretty good: #match?mid=5747679 And I should add that it's a decisive match for the title too 😤

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Andre Malles |

6 month ago

I don't care much about results and I've never posted about "carrots" before, but the thought of 7 out of 9 (one with 0 fitness sadly got injured) outfield players without any energy left and noone above 12 standing (literally standing ?) firm in the closing minutes of the game seemed a bit ridiculous.

Maybe this happens often, but I hadn't paid attention to their fitness before (hadn't really looked at a "teams" tab, especially for friendlies).


Zeus |

6 month ago

Not too many carrots this season for me because I found a solution: play against rotten inactives 🤣🤣🤣

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losgardos |

6 month ago

Zeus: Pas trop de carottes cette saison pour ma part car j'ai trouvé une solution : jouer contre des inactifs tout pourris 🤣🤣🤣

Match turnip to do without carrots, it's pedaling in the soup 🙂

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S0upe |

6 month ago

losgardos: Match navet pour se passer de carottes, ça pédale dans la soupe 🙂

Yet I didn't even attend the match, I don't understand why I'm mentioned 🙄😂

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