GigelFaceLegea |

8 month ago

I recently promoted a young player age 24 with 69 potential but after promotion he is only 48 OVR. Wasn't he supposed to be 69? Shouldn't he be fully trained? Is there something i didn't do correctly for him to be fully trained?

ValaValla |

8 month ago
GigelFaceLegea : I recently promoted a young player age 24 with 69 potential but after promotion he is only 48 OVR. Wasn't he supposed to be 69? Shouldn't he be fully trained? Is there something i didn't do correctly for him to be fully trained?
Hi my friend,
Be sure you promote them before 23.
After 23 they give low developments.
Idk but they progress this way.
Also check his playing style...

GigelFaceLegea |

8 month ago
ValaValla : Hi my friend,
Be sure you promote them before 23.
After 23 they give low developments.
Idk but they progress this way.
Also check his playing style...
But if i promote him too early, his rating will be low. I want his rating to be closer to his potential. If his potential is 80 at what age should i promote him to have a player with 80 rating? Or will he never reach a rating of 80 at the time of promotion?

ValaValla |

8 month ago

Try to promote 17 and train him hard.
More games more gains.

GigelFaceLegea |

8 month ago
ValaValla : Try to promote 17 and train him hard.
More games more gains.
I understand, but is there a way to get a player with 80 rating immediately after promotion if his potential is 80 in the academy?

Leguman |

8 month ago
GigelFaceLegea : I recently promoted a young player age 24 with 69 potential but after promotion he is only 48 OVR. Wasn't he supposed to be 69? Shouldn't he be fully trained?
He would have been fully trained in the past, but some changes have been made a few months ago.

Official News : changes to the progression system

So, with this update, the maturity age is not 23 anymore, it's a maturity range different for each players.
And, you can't promote a fully trained player.
From my own experience, when you promote a 24-year-old junior now, his maturity age can be 25, 26 or 27.

ValaValla |

8 month ago
GigelFaceLegea :
ValaValla : Try to promote 17 and train him hard.
More games more gains.
I understand, but is there a way to get a player with 80 rating immediately after promotion if his potential is 80 in the academy?
No way

GigelFaceLegea |

8 month ago
Leguman : So, with this update, the maturity age is not 23 anymore, it's a maturity range different for each players.
And, you can't promote a fully trained player.
From my own experience, when you promote a 24-year-old junior now, his maturity age can be 25, 26 or 27.
My fear is that i'm losing too much progress by promoting too early. I can't play a 17 year old every game so he would naturally lose some progress, and if i can keep him at the academy and he would get training there it would be a win-win.

How do i know at what age i should promote a player so that he would still get enough training in the academy to be better than if he would be playing half of the games in the 1st team?

Nicularo |

8 month ago
GigelFaceLegea :
Leguman : So, with this update, the maturity age is not 23 anymore, it's a maturity range different for each players.
And, you can't promote a fully trained player.
From my own experience, when you promote a 24-year-old junior now, his maturity age can be 25, 26 or 27.
My fear is that i'm losing too much progress by promoting too early. I can't play a 17 year old every game so he would naturally lose some progress, and if i can keep him at the academy and he would get training there it would be a win-win.

How do i know at what age i should promote a player so that he would still get enough training in the academy to be better than if he would be playing half of the games in the 1st team?
The youth academy isn't offering you the possibility to promote a young player with high OVR. IMO you must promote before 20yo, but the best you can do so far is to promote them the 1st day of the season when they just reached 17yo.

If you can't start them in your 1st team, you can sell the youngster. 17yo promoted the 1st day of a new season are always wanted by many teams. Prices can go higher than expected. Then you can use the money the way you want :)
A 17yo with 75 potential costs more than a 21+ with 80/82 potential.

Otherwise, you can also loan him. But make sure you can find someone who can take care of the player. I can't count how many players "died" on loans... Happened to me so many times!

Anyway, good luck!

Alexis Junior |

6 month ago

My is that I can't promote player for now I don't know why