Vrael Zendo |

6 month ago
Hello everyone, Registrations are now open for this new edition of the IS Cup D2! The organizers of this edition will be: Zendo FC ~CN~ Serpillards -=EvF=- Registration: Only the coach or the president are authorized to register their agreement for the IS Cup. To register, please indicate the words “Read and approved” with the name of the coach and the name of the Agreement. If you register, you will have to make sure that you can participate until the end. You will have to be able to fit 6 IS matches into your calendar. These 6 IS matches are guaranteed to you by the competition (except for forfeit(s) beyond the control of the organizers). NO OUT-OF-COMPETITION IS MUST BE MADE. The competition must take place in a climate of camaraderie. Any insult, any lack of respect, and other facts or words intended to denigrate a person, or even an agreement of the game are strictly prohibited, and this on any platform. Otherwise, the agreement will be sanctioned (sanction which may go as far as the disqualification of the Agreement). In the event of abandonment of an agreement without valid justification to the organizer of the competition, the latter will not be authorized to participate in the following edition. Rules of the competition: - It is possible to use 16 players maximum which therefore corresponds to the entry of 5 substitutes. If a player leaves for the federation, he can be replaced by indicating to the opponent which player has entered for the sake of fairness. Even if 5 substitutions are still possible at this stage, the affected coach will only be able to make 4 other substitutions and will therefore not have to use his 5th replacement. - The coach cannot play any player who does not belong to one of the clubs in his agreement. The selection of a player loaned to the coach's club (long-term loan) by another player in the game, even from the same agreement, is prohibited. - The VF regulations concerning IS apply to all matches in the competition In the event of non-compliance with these rules, the coaches may submit a complaint to the organizers by PM. If it is proven, the match will be lost on the green carpet. The match must however continue normally. If a match is declared forfeit or lost on the green carpet,the new score will be 1-0 against the offending Agreement. In addition, the organizers are in contact with the administrators for these matches. There is therefore no need to contact them, we will take care of it. In the event of a forfeit, a match lost on the green carpet or in the event of failure to comply with the deadlines, the Entente at fault will be sanctioned in addition to the match lost 1-0 with an additional red card which may be taken into account in the group stages or a change of match venue (away match for the Entente at fault) in the knockout phase. If an Entente is at fault in a 2nd match in the competition, the Entente will have 1 point removed for the group stages. Competition procedure: - The competition format in D2 will be announced by the organizer based on the number of registrants. The draws will be done on online software guaranteeing the transparency of the draw. The draws will be published by the organizers. For any dispute, please contact them directly by PM. Two sister agreements will not be able to meet in the group stage. - The dates for each phase of the competition will be given by the organizers. In case of delay, the selectors are invited to discuss with the organizer, so that a solution can be found, or that possible sanctions can be taken against one or the other selector. (See both, if they are both at fault on this point). - In the event of a tie in points at the end of the group stage/championship, this is how the tied teams will be decided: Overall goal difference Best attack Fair play (A fair play ranking will be produced at each update by one of the organizers) Specific goal difference (Goal difference, but only between the confrontation of the two tied teams) Penalties(A session of 5 shots and 5 saves will be sent to one of the organizers. For each shot/save, the coach must specify whether the player/goalkeeper shoots/dives to the right, in the center, or in the middle) - At the end of a draw during the elimination stages direct (Quarter-final, etc.), the two coaches will have to send a series of 5 shots and 5 saves to one of the competition organizers as soon as possible after the match. Other information: - The calendar and rankings will be created using a Google file, but visible directly on the VForum and also available via Discord - A discord specific to the competition is available to everyone. https://discord.gg/dmh9wxR7PK - If the location of the match is unfortunately reversed, you will have to contact an Admin to request the reversal of the match. Note that this does not mean that the match will be reversed or deleted! Indeed, the administrator will not necessarily have time to take care of it. In this case, the match will therefore have to be played normally. TAB Explanations: - For shots: If a player shoots to the right, the ball simply goes to the right. - For saves: Saves are made from the goalkeeper's point of view, that is to say that if the opponent shoots to the right (from his point of view), the goalkeeper must imperatively dive to the left to stop this shot. Here is an example of a penalty shootout: Collusion A shots: G - C - D - C - D Collusion B shots: G - C - G - D - C Collusion B shots: D - D - C - G - D Collusion A saves: G - G - C - C - C Collusion A wins the penalty shootout with a score of 3-2. At the end of the first series, if there is still a tie, the two coaches must send another series of 5 shots and 5 saves to the organizer. This second penalty shootout will be played in “sudden death”, meaning that the first to score and save a penalty has won the shootout. As a reminder, the VF regulations concerning the IS are authoritative for any claim to the cartel ranking. Anything specific to the IS Cup will have no impact

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Vrael Zendo |

6 month ago

Registration ends Wednesday

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Tuyo |

6 month ago

Hello, Read and approved. LFP Academy Coach: Tuyo

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zejl |

6 month ago

Hello Agreement: lr2 Selector: zejl (barcelus) Rules read and approved

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sinik20131 |

6 month ago

Hello everyone Selector Sinik20131 Viking Legion Agreement 2 Rules read and Approved

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Aglacis |

6 month ago

Hello everyone! Coach: Aglacis FC Agreement: Euro United Regulations Read and Approved

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felo50 |

6 month ago

Hello Rules read and approved A beer between friends II Selector felo50

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Thom'es |

6 month ago

Hello The Threat of the North East Regulations read and approved Future selector nims57

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leakcim58 |

6 month ago

Team Bourgogne Rules read and approved. Coach: blagoje vidinic.

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Nicø |

6 month ago

Good evening everyone, Agreement: VF Star Selector: Nicø Rules read and approved

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Taudecci |

6 month ago

Hello Entente: hVs Coach: Taudecci / Honduras FT (may change this season, it is in progress) Rules read and approved

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Tank °LA° |

6 month ago

Hello AFU2 Regulations read and prove Selector. Tank

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Méli-Mélosi |

6 month ago

Hello Entente: On the Road to Glory 2 Selector: Méli-Mélosi Rules read and approved

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Tuyo |

5 month ago

Tuyo: Bonjour,

Lu et approuvé.
Académie LFP
Sélectionneur : Tuyo

Hello everyone, The new coach of the LFP Academy is now SummerTime. Thank you for taking into account and good competition to all! A big thank you to the isatzurs organizers of the different inter-selection cups, it was a real pleasure to participate!

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Dictator_777 |

5 month ago

Hello Entente: League of future prodigies Rules read and approved

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SummerTime |

5 month ago

Read and approved. Summertime LFP academy

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Vrael Zendo |

5 month ago

Good evening everyone The draw has just been made, you have until D35 to play your group matches. For information, with the number of participants this season, the format has changed: - First round: 3 groups of 4 drawn at random - 2nd round: Round-trip semi-finals: - First block: the first 3 of each group + the best second of the 3 groups - Second block: the 2 remaining second + the 2 best third of the 3 groups - Third block: the third remaining + the fourth of the 3 groups If you have any questions, do not hesitate Good luck to all Ps: here is the link to the file. If you can't open it from VF, I also put it on discord. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o0ARUQbf_aLdhYcxazUJN1V4g99mUg1tv9H-vIonvDo/edit?usp=sharing

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passion |

5 month ago

Hello For questions of availability I take over from taudecci at the head of the selection See you soon

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Aglacis |

5 month ago

Hello everyone Match Africa Union 2 vs Euro United 0-0 #match?mid=5857922 there is a green carpet in this match (normally) as I mentioned on the VF discord

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Nims57 |

5 month ago

#match?mid=5856084 The Menace from the North-East II 1-3 Roman Legion II

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Vrael Zendo |

5 month ago
Hello everyone, I just saw that I made a mistake on the end date of the group matches. It is D28 and not D35 as announced. You will then have 2 weeks for your semi-final matches and the last week of the season for the final. Good evening to all

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Nims57 |

5 month ago

Nims57: #match?mid=5856084

La Menace du Nord-Est II 1-3 Légion Romaine II

Northeast Threat 1-3 Roman Legion II Small correction 😅

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Blagoje Vidinic |

5 month ago

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Nims57 |

5 month ago

#match?mid=5862205 LFP Academy 0-1 Threat from the North-East

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felo50 |

5 month ago

Hello Victoire a mug between friends II 2/0. The Viking Legion 2 #match?mid=5855729 Good season to them

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Blagoje Vidinic |

5 month ago

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Nims57 |

5 month ago

#match?mid=5859703&report Etoile de VF 2-1 Menace du Nord-Est

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Aglacis |

5 month ago

Euro United - Future Prodigy League (:LFP:) 1 - 1 #match?mid=5866904

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felo50 |

5 month ago

A mug between friends II. 4/1 on the way to the fair 2


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sinik20131 |

5 month ago

March win

LV 2 vs. Hvs

2 to 1

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zejl |

5 month ago

1-0 victory of lr2 against evf #match?mid=5867336&report

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passion |

5 month ago

RTG2 1 - 2 HVS

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Vrael Zendo |

5 month ago
Hi all

I just updated the file. I remind you that you can play your group matches until J28 to play your group matches.
For information, the match between RTG2 and LV2 has been replayed following a bug.

There have been 2 matches lost so far:

AU2 - EU -> Victory of the USA with the score of 0 - 1 (the AU2 coach has selected and used 3 players from a club other than his own, the limit is 2)
HVS - RTG2 -> Victory of RTG2 with a score of 0 - 1 (the HVS coach played 4 players from his club while the limit is 3)

Have a good day everyone and if you have any questions don't hesitate

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passion |

5 month ago

I think that a reminder of the rules of procedure in is would be a good thing not being informed of this clarification.
We sign and validate the cut rule
The little detail is written in green on a white background, you can see absolutely nothing (for my part)..
We accept the sanction, I am just doing interim work, it is by going back several times on the rules that I could see my mistake
Kind regards

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Blagoje Vidinic |

5 month ago

It's true that this green is really too light.

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Demi-cerveau |

5 month ago


Normally, everything is there.

! [image] (https://i.imgur.com/9cbfg2N.jpeg)

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passion |

5 month ago

Demi-cerveau: #community?rules

Normalement, tout est là.


I agree everything is written in vf but the precision of the cut regulation is written in green on a white background I had to make a screen to enlarge and see the text that sends us on vf to reread the particularity that I didn't know
Simply either change the color or a reminder of this rule on the topic of the cut

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Vrael Zendo |

5 month ago

passion: Je suis d’accord tout est écrit dans vf mais la précision du règlement de la coupe est écrit en vert sur fond blanc j’ai du faire un screen pour agrandir et voir le texte qui nous envoie sur vf pour relire la particularité que j’ignorais
Simplement soit changé la couleur soit un rappel de cette règle sur le topic de la coupe

I note for next season. Thanks for the info

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zejl |

5 month ago

LFP Academy - lr2 : 0-2

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felo50 |

5 month ago

Good evening
A mug with friends 1/0 HASTA la siempre

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Méli-Mélosi |

5 month ago

RTG2 4-1 LV2
Good luck to my opponent for the rest of the competition

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Vrael Zendo |

5 month ago

Hi all

I just updated the file. Now the semi-finals are available (don't take into account the finals, they will be up to date when the semi-finals are all played). You will have until j49 to play your semi-finals.
As a reminder, the final phase takes place as follows:
Semi-finals and then final by block (the first of each block plays the fourth of his block and plays and the winner plays at home the final, the second of his block and the winner plays the final away):
- First block: the first 3 of each pool + the best second of the 3 pools
- Second block: the 2 remaining runners-up + the 2 best third-placed teams from the 3 pools
- Third block: the remaining third + the fourth of the 3 pools

Since the last update, there has been a forfeited match:
LFP - TB -> Maintaining the score 1 - 2 in favor of the TB (the LFP coach has fielded 4 players from his own team, the limit is 3)

Have a good Sunday everyone and if you have any questions don't hesitate

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zejl |

4 month ago

First leg LR2-team bourgogne 2-0 #match?mid=5886145
See you on Monday for the rematch 😉

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Nims57 |

4 month ago


LFP 0-0 North-East Threat

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sinik20131 |

4 month ago

First leg

Defeat of the LV


1 to 0

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zejl |

4 month ago

Return match team bourgogne -lr2 1-1 #match?mid=5886171&report
Good luck to Blagoje for the 3rd place match

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felo50 |

4 month ago

First leg
A mug between friends 0 0 on the way to glory


Return match
On the road to glory 0. 1 A mug with friends


Good luck to them

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sinik20131 |

4 month ago

Return match

LV2 vs Afric Union 2 draw


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zejl |

4 month ago

Cp2-lr2 0-1 #match?mid=5899783&report
A draw (especially with 10 against 11 throughout the second half) would have been more realistic but the odds were in our favour, good end of season to all

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