Jason |
27 days agoHello, at Morten's request I would like to join the VF Masters having already played in this championship in the past. Kind regards
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Socrate |
27 days agoYou have the required level to get by in Elite in the future. Application accepted ☺️
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Fontenit85 |
27 days agoAfter all these years what is this championship about? Are they the best players in the game?
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Akram |
27 days agoOfet, is it true that the access conditions are changing?
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Socrate |
27 days agoAkram: Ofet , c'est vrai que les conditions d'accès changent ?
It's the same Except that if your D1 title or your cup win is too old and you can't register manually. You have to make the request on the forum like Jason so that an Admin can ping you the pro season 👍🏾
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Akram |
27 days agoArnoldo09 |
27 days agoAnnoying to have to go through a weak D2 before...
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Blagoje Vidinic |
27 days agoJason: Bonjours , à la demande de Morten
Je souhaiterais intégré la VF Masters ayant déjà jouer dans ce championnat dans le passé .
Application rejected... otherwise Socrates will spend his time going up and down the elevator between D1 and D2. ^^
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King |
27 days agoJason: Bonjours , à la demande de Morten
Je souhaiterais intégré la VF Masters ayant déjà jouer dans ce championnat dans le passé .
Same request as Jason. Thanks in advance,
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Socrate |
27 days agoBlagoje Vidinic: Candidature refusée... sinon Socrate va passer son temps à faire l'ascenseur entre la D1 et la D2. ^^
😂😂😂😂 Anyway I prefer Steril and Aloiso to you 😜
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estac |
27 days agoSocrate |
27 days agoestac: Je vais aussi vous rejoindre la saison prochaine
☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ That's what we want
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Demi-cerveau |
27 days agoestac: Je vais aussi vous rejoindre la saison prochaine
You're going for the easy way out. 😛
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aloisio |
27 days agoGood evening everyone, I am taking advantage of this message to launch an appeal to those who would ask themselves questions in this troubled period for the future of your respective regional championships (do not fall into denial, you can already forget the current form of the championships) This will be my only message on this forum and it is like this: that the 24 or even let's be crazy that the 56 best VF clubs come here, in VF Masters to live a LDC experience on each day of the championship. Yes certainly the sponsor will not fall but rest assured A45 announced that it was going to jump. Yes I had doubts when I returned but I confirm it to you: it is much more pleasant to play clubs than walls in defense or AFK. If in addition A45 wants to put a little more hand in the paw to promote the thing, it is welcome but even without that: just come and take a breath of fresh air and come and have fun here! Plus I'm sure Blago will increase his role play with some kind of telefoot of the division! Anyway... big clubs, you're all welcome!
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Lomi62 |
27 days agoI would also like to join this championship please, past participation visible in my record. Thanks in advance
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Socrate |
27 days agoLomi62: Je souhaite également rejoindre ce championnat svp, participation par le passé visible dans mon palmarès.
Merci d'avance
So there!! I say YES YES YES
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Akram |
27 days agoI had a plan to win a d1 and a CDL to then join the VF master after the end of my young people's training. I'm in a bad situation because suddenly all the monsters want to be there haha the desire is at its maximum, can't wait to be there
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bluethunders26 |
27 days agoBlack will want Paulhan to come too 🤣🤣 But otherwise leave me alone in D2 I'm fine with all the new ones in D1 😁😁
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guantanamera |
26 days agoI'm never going to come back to D1 😅 But so much the better, if the best come!
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minadinho |
26 days agoI'm tempted to come back and play my buddy imc 😀
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bluethunders26 |
26 days agominadinho: Je me titille à revenir jouer mon copain imc 😀
Don't feel obligated 🤣🤣
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Deck |
26 days agobluethunders26: Black va vouloir que Paulhan vienne aussi 🤣🤣
Mais sinon laissez moi tranquille en D2 j y suis bien tous les nouveaux en D1 😁😁
Leave us Steril in d1 Languedoc, it's easy points. Thank you.
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minadinho |
26 days agobluethunders26: Te sens pas obliger 🤣🤣
Seeing a lot of old stuff again… I’m coming 😝
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bluethunders26 |
26 days agominadinho: Revoir pas mal d’ancien …. J’arrive 😝
Vf master will become the championship of the old ones 😆😆😆
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zejl |
26 days agoHello If there is still room the experience could be interesting 😉
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breizhek |
26 days agoSocrate |
26 days agosteril |
26 days agoI win Languedoc next year and I'm coming! Aloisio and Blagoje owe me everything on the game!!!
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Alexandre67310 |
23 days agoHello, What is the procedure to change and come to your place? I have to leave before midnight tonight? From what moment can I join the new championship? Will I be in division 3? Registered in the cup? Thank you for your answers
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Blagoje Vidinic |
23 days agoNormal procedure: - leave your championship before the end of the season; - register in the new championship for the new season; - you will not be in the cup and you will start in division 3 (if there is one) or in division 2. Exceptional procedure: - ask an administrator to register in D2.
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minadinho |
23 days agoI think in d2 given the inactive deleted. See you next season if I don't forget to change 😉
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qzaa57 |
23 days agoHe can participate in the cup if he registers immediately after the start of the season.
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Alexandre67310 |
23 days agoqzaa57: Il peut participer à la coupe s’il s’inscrit immédiatement après le début de saison
What are you calling now? 00:31?
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qzaa57 |
23 days agoAs soon as you are ejected from your championship, it does not happen immediately... so no, not 00:31, you have to stay attentive, it is generally about ten minutes later
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Le Retraité |
23 days agoqzaa57 |
23 days agoYes, after that it seems to me that the VF Master cup is the first cup scheduled so it remains to be seen... But personally I did that last season and it worked, I registered directly after leaving my championship and I was able to participate in the cup unlike those who joined later.
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Socrate |
22 days agoAre there managers who have shied away oroooo…? 😅 Welcome to the others 🙌🏾
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Akram |
22 days agoI have the impression that the D2 in VF master would be stronger than the D1! You'll have to clench your buttocks for the climb
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ManuM |
22 days agoAkram: J'ai l'impression que la D2 en VF master serait pkus forte que la D1 ! Va falloir serré les fesse pour la montée
Group 2, quiet lomi 🤣
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Akram |
22 days agoManuM: Le groupe 2 , lomi tranquille 🤣
I'd like to keep him company, if someone has the power, let them drop me off there haha
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Lomi62 |
22 days agobreizhek |
22 days agoApparently, we are not all accepted, probably the level. Good championship to you :)
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iMcCarthy77 |
22 days agobreizhek: Apparemment, on est pas tous accepté, sûrement le niveau. Bon championnat à vous :)
You have already won a division 1, it should not block, maybe a bug
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breizhek |
22 days agoMy title is old, it doesn't matter ;) have fun :)
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iMcCarthy77 |
22 days agobreizhek: Il est vieux mon titre, c est pas grave ;) amusez vous bien :)
It does not say old or young title, it is just specified to have won a Division 1 since we play this game and you have done it several times ... Then division 2 is missing in clubs in D2 we can add it manually
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Socrate |
22 days agoMaking a manual request to Morten seems to me to be possible.
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breizhek |
22 days agoHe told me to post here, and it will be case by case ;) it is not an end in itself ;) He already has a lot of work.
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Blagoje Vidinic |
22 days agoiMcCarthy77: Il est pas dit titre vieux ou jeune il est juste spécifié d'avoir gagner une Division 1 depuis qu'on joue à ce jeu et tu l'as fait à plusieurs reprises ...Puis la division 2 est manquante en clubs en D2 on peut tajouter manuellement
Old regional championships are not taken into account. A friend who won the Emilia-Romagna championship (or something like that) was not able to register.
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Morten34 |
22 days agoThere are 6 places available in D2 / Group 2. Who is a candidate?
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